Device Control

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This chapter describes how you can use Restorepoint to send a command-line interface (CLI) command to a device or group of devices and capture the output of the command. This tool can be used to perform a task concurrently on a group of devices.

Controlling a Device

You can use Restorepoint to send a CLI command to a device or group of devices and capture the output of the command. This tool can be used to perform a task concurrently on a group of devices, such as changing the administrator password.

To use this function, select the relevant device(s) and click Control.

The dialogue box appears:

Image of the Restorepoint Control Devices page

Select New Action from the drop-down menu, then enter the commands in the text area. Device Control Actions can also be defined from the Device Control page (Devices > Device Control), by clicking New Action.

If required, you can Save these commands as an Action for later execution, or for use in Compliance Remediation.

Stored Actions can also be scheduled. For more information, see Scheduled Actions.

Click Perform to execute the commands. Restorepoint will display the output of the commands for each of the selected devices. Device Control outputs are stored in the Output tab of the Device Control page.

Image of the Restorepoint Edit Command page

Using Parameters

You can use action parameters for different devices, using the format $``parameter``$, where $ is the Variable Delimiter you’ve set for your Action.

For instance, to change the admin password for a number of ScreenOS devices, select the devices and enter the command:


After you click Perform, you will be asked for a replacement string for each device. An unlimited number of parameters can be replaced this way.

A parameter can only consist of letters, numbers, and the underscore character _. If the replacement string contains escape sequences (such as \n), they must be double-escaped (\\n).

Scheduled Actions

Actions can be scheduled and run automatically.

To add a new schedule to your device:

  1. Click on the Schedule tab on the Device Control page, then click New Schedule.

  2. Complete the fields:

    • Select the Action.

    • Select the device or devices on which to perform the action.

    • Select the device or devices on which to perform the action.

    • Select a frequency, either Scheduled or Once At and a time interval or date.

    • If you want to merge the output of the action, select the Merge Output checkbox.

    • If you want to email the output of an action after execution, select the Email Log check box and enter an email address.

    • Optionally, select a compliance policy to apply to the output of the action.

      For more information, see Device Policies.

    All logs are now stored in Restorepoint.

  3. Click Save and the scheduled action page is displayed.

Image of the Restorepoint Device Control page

Scheduled Actions cannot contain parameters.