File Storage

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This chapter describes how to use File Storage in Restorepoint. You can use the Storage page (Administration > Storage) to save file storage configurations in Restorepoint. These can be used in the Archive or Logs page, or for automated configuration export from Restorepoint.

File Servers

Image of the Restorepoint Storage page

For each file server, you can define the following fields:


A name for the file server.


Select CIFS (Windows Server), FTP, SCP or SFTP from the drop down menu.

Server IP

The IP address and port of the remote server.


The full path on the remote server. For example, /home/user1 (FTP) or share1directory2subdirectory3 (CIFS).


The username. This will be an FTP user, or a valid windows user if using CIFS.


The password for the associated username.

Use NTLMv2 (CIFS Only)

If you are using CIFS with the NTLMv2 authentication protocol, you can select this checkbox.

Auto Export

For each policy, you can define the following fields:


The fileserver to store the exported configurations. You can also define a new server by using the [New Server] option. For more information on details on the configuration, see File Servers.


When to automatically export configurations to your external server. Always Export will export when the backup is complete, Only Export new Versions will export when the backup is complete and the version number of the backup has changed, and Export before automatic deletion will export only the backups that are due to be removed from the Restorepoint appliance.

There are additional options you can apply to your new policy:


Users must enter a passphrase to securely encrypt the exported configurations before transfer to your external server.

Include Domain/Device Name

The filename / path on the remote server will contain the domain name/device name. For example, /home/user1 (FTP) or share1directory2subdirectory3 (CIFS).


If this checkbox is selected, the policy will not run. This options allows you to temporarily disable an auto-export policy.

Data Export

You can use this page to export device configurations on-demand.


No configs, only the Most Recent version of the config, or All Configs.


Includes the device’s Logs, and/or the Device Data in your export.


The devices or domains to export.


The format to export the configurations. They can be exported as TGZ or ZIP archives, or directly export the individual config files.

Chunk Size

If you’ve selected an archive format, you can choose the size to create the archive files.


The server to store the exported configurations. For more information, see File Servers. Alternately, you can choose to export device configurations directly to your workstation, via the Browser.

Data Usage

The Data Usage page displays statistics on the storage disk of your Restorepoint appliance.

Total Disk Size

The size of the encrypted volume that Restorepoint uses to store device configurations and settings.

Total Used

How much of that volume’s space is used.

Backup size

Space used by device configurations.

Index size

Space used by Restorepoint’s search index (used primarily for the Global Search function).

Cache Size

Space used by the Restorepoint cache. This is usually device configurations that needed to be extracted for viewing or comparisons. Restorepoint will automatically remove this cache, if needed. You can also manually clear the cache and click Clear Cache to clear the cache.

Debug Size

Space used by Restorepoint debugging logs, such as Appliance Debug Logs. Appliance Debug Logs are cleared if a new Debug Log is started. You can manually clear the Appliance Debug Logs and click Clear Debug.