Configuring a Classic Global Manager System

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A Global Manager system is a standard All-In-One Appliance with additional configuration applied. To configure a Global Manager, you must have:

  • An All-In-One Appliance operating a version of SL1 between 7.5 and 10.2.x on a supported hardware or virtualization platform.
  • The ScienceLogic Global Manager PowerPack. This PowerPack is not included in the standard release and is provided separately by ScienceLogic.

This section applies only to the classic SL1 Global Manager.

Use the following menu options to navigate the SL1 user interface:

  • To view a pop-out list of menu options, click the menu icon ().
  • To view a page containing all of the menu options, click the Advanced menu icon ().

Configuration on Each Entry Point

Each stack must include at least one entry point. An entry point is an Administration Portal, Database Server, or All-In-One Appliance that meets the requirements listed in the Introduction to Global Manager section. On each entry point, you must configure appropriate user accounts and permissions for each Global Manager user. The following authentication rules apply:

  • To use the Global Manager system, a user must have a user account on Global Manager and on each SL1 system being aggregated. On Global Manager and each SL1 system being aggregated, the user accounts must use the same user name and password. ScienceLogic recommends using LDAP or Active Directory authentication to ensure that user accounts are consistent across all the systems in your environment.
  • If a user accesses a Global Manager system with a username and password combination that is not valid on one of the systems being aggregated, the aggregated data provided by the Global Manager will exclude that system.
  • In the Global Manager system, a user can view data based on the permissions the user has for each system being aggregated. For example, if a user's account on a SL1 system does not include permission to view events, then that user will not be allowed to view those events from the Global Manager system either.

For example, suppose:

  • A Global Manager system is configured to aggregate data from three stacks, each monitoring 10 devices.
  • A user logs in to the Global Manager system using a user account and password that is valid only on two of the stacks.
  • Based on the organization memberships of the user account, the user has permission to view only two devices on each of the other two stacks.

In this example, the aggregated data provided to the user by the Global Manager system will include only four devices.

Classic Global Manager Configuration

The Global Manager system must have a wildcard DNS entry that can be resolved by the browser for each user who will access the Global Manager user interface. To meet this requirement, you must:

  1. Create a CNAME entry in your DNS system.
  2. This domain for this CNAME entry must start with "*". This new domain, called the wildcard domain, can be your normal domain for the Global Manager system preceded by "*"
  3. For example, if the URL of your Global Manager is "", you might enter "*"

If your organization does not allow wildcard domains, see the section on configuring hostname for each stack.

  1. The CNAME entry must map to the IP address of the Global Manager system.
  2. The browser for each user who views the data from Global Manager must be able to access the DNS CNAME entry.

To configure an All-In-One Appliance as a Global manager system, perform the following steps on the All-In-One Appliance:

  1. Install the ScienceLogic Global Manager PowerPack. For details on installing PowerPacks, see the section on PowerPacks.
  2. Using SNMP-based discovery, discover an entry point for each stack. For details on discovery, see the section on Discovery.
  3. All entry points must be assigned either the Database Server or the All-In-One Appliance device class.

  4. If the device name of a discovered entry point is not the fully-qualified domain name of that entry point, configure an IP Address Override or Host Name Override for that entry point by following the steps in the Stack Configuration Page section.
  5. Using SNMP-based discovery, discover the All-In-One Appliance that you are configuring as a Global Manager system. For details on discovery, see the section on Discovery.
  6. Assign the ScienceLogic Global Manager device class to the All-In-One Appliance that you are configuring as a Global Manager system and disable Auto-Update for the All-In-One Appliance. For details on how to perform these tasks, see the section on the Device Properties page and the section on Device Classes.

  1. Create a SOAP/XML credential. Use the default settings for all fields except for the following settings:
    • Profile Name. Enter a name for the credential.
    • URL. Enter "https://%D".

    • Username. Enter a user account that has access to all API functions on the All-In-One Appliance that you are configuring as a Global Manager system.
    • Password. Enter the password for the user you entered in the Username field.

    For details on how to create a SOAP/XML credential, see the section on Credentials.

  1. Align the ScienceLogic: GM Root Stack Inventory Dynamic Application to the device record that was created in step 4. Use the credential you created in step 6 with this Dynamic Application. For details on aligning a  Dynamic Application with a device, see the section on Managing Dynamic Applications.

NOTE: If you are using a self-signed certificate, you must edit the snippet in the ScienceLogic: GM Root Stack Inventory Dynamic Application to set USING_TRUSTED_CERT to False.

  1. When collection is performed for the ScienceLogic: GM Root Stack Inventory Dynamic Application, a component device will be created for each entry point.
  2. In the Device Manager page (Registry > Devices > Device Manager), select the Actions button and then select Merge Devices. The Device Bulk Merge page is displayed. Merge the SNMP-based device records for each entry point with the equivalent component device records. To do this:
  • Select the Names Match checkbox in the Device Bulk Merge page.
  • The page should display a row for each entry point for which the name of the SNMP-based device record matches the name of the component device record.
  • Select the radio button for each pair of entry points.
  • Select the Merge button.

The component devices for each entry point are automatically subscribed to the ScienceLogic: GM Distributed Appliance DiscoveryDynamic Application. The ScienceLogic: GM Distributed Appliance DiscoveryDynamic Application will examine each entry point; if the entry point is part of a distributed system, the Dynamic Application will create a component device record for each additional appliance in the distributed SL1 System.

For example, the component view for a Global Manager system that aggregates data from an All-In-One Appliance and two distributed system might look like this:

The Stack Configuration Page

The GM Stacks page (System > Manage > GM Stacks) displays a list of stacks that have been added to the Global Manager system. In the GM Stacks page, you can edit the properties of each stack.

There are two ways you can add a stack to a Global Manager system:

  • Discovery. You can use the Discovery tool to discover each entry point. Later, the Global Manager system will discover each entry point as a component device. You can then merge the SNMP records and the component device records.
  • Manually adding a stack. You manually add an entry point in the GM Stacks page.

Viewing the List of Stacks

To view the list of stacks, go to the GM Stacks page (System > Manage > GM Stacks).

The page displays the following information about each stack:

  • Stack ID. The numeric ID assigned to the stack by the Global Manager system.
  • Stack Name. The name of the stack. This name defaults to the device name of the discovered entry point.
  • Aligned Device. The device record of the discovered entry point.
  • IP Address Override. By default, the Global Manager system will use the device name of the discovered entry point (i.e. the host name or IP address of the entry point) to communicate with that entry point. Global Manager will communicate with each entry point via the API for that entry point. If you want the Global Manager to access the API on the entry point for the stack using an IP address that is different from the device name of the device selected in the Aligned Device field, enter the IP address in this field.
  • Host Name Override. By default, the Global Manager system will use the device name of the discovered entry point (i.e. the host name or IP address of the entry point) to communicate with that entry point. Global Manager will communicate with each entry point via the API for that entry point. If you want the Global Manager to access the API on the entry point for the stack using a host name that is different from the device name of the device selected in the Aligned Device field, enter the host name in this field.
  • Connection Timeout. The maximum time, in seconds, before a request from the Global Manager to the stack times out. If timeout occurs, the Global Manager widgets (TopN, Custom Table, Finder) will display a blue "i" icon in the upper right corner of the widget. If all stacks timeout, the Global Manager widgets display an error message.

  • EM7 Version. Specifies the version of SL1 running on a stack. You can update the version of one or more stack from the System Updates page (System > Tools > Updates).

  • State. Indicates whether the Global Manager will include the stack when executing Global Manager features. Possible values are:
  • Enabled. The Global Manager will include the stack when executing Global Manager features. Results from the stack will be included in aggregated views and remote management features, e.g. PowerPack installation, will be enabled for the stack.
  • Disabled. The Global Manager will not include the stack when executing Global Manager features. Results from the stack will not be included in aggregated views and remote management features, e.g. PowerPack installation, will be disabled for the stack.

Manually Adding a Stack

The Global Manager system automatically adds stacks when:

  • an entry point is discovered using SNMP
  • that entry point is assigned a correct device class.

If you are not able to discover an entry point for a stack using SNMP, you can manually add a stack.

To manually add stack:

  1. Add a device record to the system that represents the entry point for the stack you are adding, either by discovering a pingable device or creating a virtual device.
  2. Go to the GM Stacks page (System > Manage > GM Stacks)..
  3. Select the plus icon () in the last row of the table.
  4. In the same row, supply values in the following column fields:
  • Stack Name. Enter a name for the stack.
  • Aligned Device. Select the device record you added in step 1.
  • IP Address Override. If you want the Global Manager to access the API on the entry point for the stack using an IP address, enter the IP address in this field.
  • Host Name Override. If you want the Global Manager to access the API on the entry point for the stack using a host name, enter the host name in this field.
  • Connection Timeout. The maximum time, in seconds, before a request from the Global Manager to the stack times out. If timeout occurs, the Global Manager widgets (TopN, Custom Table, Finder) will display a blue "i" icon in the upper right corner of the widget. If all stacks timeout, the Global Manager widgets display an error message.

  • EM7 Version. Specifies the version of SL1 running on a stack. You can update the version of one or more stacks from the System Updates page (System > Tools > Updates).
  • State. Select whether the Global Manager will include the stack when executing Global Manager features. Possible values are:
  • Enabled. The Global Manager will include the stack when executing Global Manager features. Results from the stack will be included in aggregated views and remote management features, e.g. PowerPack installation, will be enabled for the stack.
  • Disabled. The Global Manager will not include the stack when executing Global Manager features. Results from the stack will not be included in aggregated views and remote management features, e.g. PowerPack installation, will be disabled for the stack.
  1. Select the save icon () for the row.

Editing the Properties of a Stack

To edit the properties of a stack:

  1. Go to the GM Stackspage (System > Manage > GM Stacks).
  2. Select the edit icon () for the stack you want to edit.
  3. In the same row, change the value(s) in one or more of the following column fields:
  • Stack Name. Enter a name for the stack.
  • Aligned Device. Select the device record that represents the entry point for the stack.
  • IP Address Override. By default, the Global Manager system will use the device name of the discovered entry point (i.e. the host name or IP address of the entry point) to communicate with that entry point. Global Manager will communicate with each entry point via the API for that entry point. If you want the Global Manager to access the API on the entry point for the stack using an IP address that is different from the device name of the device selected in the Aligned Device field, enter the IP address in this field.
  • Host Name Override. By default, the Global Manager system will use the device name of the discovered entry point (i.e. the host name or IP address of the entry point) to communicate with that entry point. Global Manager will communicate with each entry point via the API for that entry point. If you want the Global Manager to access the API on the entry point for the stack using a host name that is different from the device name of the device selected in the Aligned Device field, enter the host name in this field.
  • Connection Timeout. The maximum time, in seconds, before a request from the Global Manager to the stack times out. If timeout occurs, the Global Manager widgets (TopN, Custom Table, Finder) will display a blue "i" icon in the upper right corner of the widget. If all stacks timeout, the Global Manager widgets display an error message.

  • EM7 Version. Specifies the version of SL1 running on a stack. You can update the version of one or more stacks from the System Updates page (System > Tools > Updates).
  • State. Select whether the Global Manager will include the stack when executing Global Manager features. Possible values are:
  • Enabled. The Global Manager will include the stack when executing Global Manager features. Results from the stack will be included in aggregated views and remote management features, e.g. PowerPack installation, will be enabled for the stack.
  • Disabled. The Global Manager will not include the stack when executing Global Manager features. Results from the stack will not be included in aggregated views and remote management features, e.g. PowerPack installation, will be disabled for the stack.
  1. Select the save icon () for the row.

Configuring Stack-Specific Hostnames for Global Manager Proxies (Instead of Using a Wildcard Domain)

If your organization does not allow wildcard domains, you can define a stack-specific hostname for each Global Manager proxy. Areas of the Global Manager system that previously required a wildcard domain to gather information about a stack (for example, the GM Stacks page, the Custom Table Widget) will use the hostname instead.

To configure a hostname for a stack:

  1. In your DNS system, create a CNAME entry for the stack.
  • Enter the IP address of the Global Manager system
  • The fully-qualified domain name for the stack must have the same domain-level as the Global Manager system. For example, if the Global Manager system has the fully-qualified domain name "", the stack should have the fully-qualified domain name "".
  1. In the Global Manager system, in the master_dev.legend_gm_stack table, find the entry for the stack you defined in the DNS entry. In that row, manually set the value of the proxy_hostname column with the fully qualified domain name of the stack, as you defined in the DNS entry.
  2. Go to the console of the Global Manager system or use SSH to login to the console of the Global Manager system.For each stack,
  3. Use vi (or a text editor or your choice) to create the file /opt/em7/share/config/nginx.d/custom_proxy_common.fragment.
  4. Enter the following in the file /opt/em7/share/config/nginx.d/custom_proxy_common.fragment:

listen 80;

listen 443 ssl http2;

ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/silossl.pem;

ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/silossl.key;

access_log /var/log/em7/em7ngx_proxy.access.log main;

error_log /var/log/em7/em7ngx_proxy.error.log warn;


  1. Save the file.
  2. Use vi (or a text editor or your choice) to create the file /opt/em7/share/config/nginx.d/custom_proxy_location_common.fragment.
  3. Enter the following in the file opt/em7/share/config/nginx.d/custom_proxy_location_common.fragment:

fastcgi_split_path_info ^()(/.+)$;

fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php-fpm/em7.sock;

fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /opt/em7/gui/ap/www/em7/libs/proxy_service.em7;

include fastcgi_params;


  1. Save the file.
  2. For each stack that you want to reference by hostname, use vi (or a text editor or your choice) to create the file /opt/em7/share/config/nginx.d/gm_proxy_identifier.conf
  • where identifier is an identifier for the stack. For example, a host name like NOC_west or the fully qualified domain name of the stack..
  1. Enter the following in the file /opt/em7/share/config/nginx.d/custom_proxy_identifier.conf

server {

# the wildcard at the end works around a name matching issue

# in nginx

server_name fully_qualified_domain_name_of_the_stack;


include /opt/em7/share/config/nginx.d/custom_proxy_common.fragment;

location ~ .* {

fastcgi_param EM7_GM_STACK_ID (stack_id);

include /opt/em7/share/config/nginx.d/custom_proxy_location_common.fragment;





  • fully_qualified_domain_name_of_the_stack is the fully qualified domain name for the stack, as you defined in the CNAME entry and in the the master_dev.legend_gm_stack table.
  • stack_id is the ID number of the stack as seen in GM Stacks page (System > Manage > GM Stacks)
  1. Restart nginx on the Global Manager system. To do this, enter the following at the shell prompt:

sudo systemctl restart nginx

Configuring Load Balancing for Classic Global Manager

Worker nodes allow a Global Manager system to manage hundreds of stacks. Worker nodes are SL1 systems that perform some of the processing for the Global Manager. Worker nodes enable the Global Manager to scale horizontally.

Any ScienceLogic appliance of type Administration Portal, All-In-One Appliance, or Database Server can be a worker node. Each worker node must include a ScienceLogic user interface.

A stack that is monitored by the Global Manager system can also be a worker node.

You can add one or more worker nodes to your Global Manager system, as suits your needs.

A setting in the Global Manager database determines a threshold for the number of requests from the Global Manager system to its worker nodes. When the threshold is exceeded, the Global Manager system distributes the requests among the worker nodes. The worker nodes perform the requests and send the results back to the Global Manager system. The Global Manager system then performs final processing on the results and displays the data to users.

Viewing the List of Worker Nodes

The GM Worker Nodes page (System > Manage > GM Worker Nodes) displays a list of worker nodes already used by the Global Manage system. For each worker node, the GM Worker Nodes page displays the following information:

  • Name. The name of the worker node.
  • Aligned Device. Optional. If the worker node is also a stack that is monitored by the Global Manager system, this column specifies the name of the stack.
  • IP Address. The IP address of the worker node.
  • Host Name. The FQDN of the worker node.

  • State. Indicates whether the Global Manager will include the worker node when executing Global Manager features. Possible values are:
  • Enabled. The Global Manager will include the worker node when distributing outgoing Global Manager requests to worker nodes.
  • Disabled. The Global Manager will not include the worker node when distributing outgoing Global Manager requests to worker nodes.

Adding or Editing a Worker Node

In the GM Worker Nodes page, you can manually add a worker node. To manually add a worker node:

  1. Go to the GM Worker Nodes page (System > Manage > GM Worker Nodes).
  2. Click the plus icon () in the last row of the table to add a row, or select the edit icon () for the worker node that you want to edit.

  1. In the same row, supply values in the following column fields:
  • Name. Required. Enter a name of the worker node.

NOTE: You must specify a value in at least one of these fields: Aligned Device, IP Address, or Host Name.

  • Aligned Device. If the worker node is also a stack that is monitored by the Global Manager system, this column specifies the name of the stack.
  • IP Address. Enter the IP address of the worker node.
  • Host Name. Enter the FQDN of the worker node.
  • State. Indicates whether the Global Manager will use the worker node when executing Global Manager features. Possible values are:
  • Enabled. The Global Manager will include the worker node when distributing outgoing Global Manager requests to worker nodes.
  • Disabled. The Global Manager will not include the worker node when distributing outgoing Global Manager requests to worker nodes.
  1. Click the save icon () for the row.

Enabling and Disabling One or More Worker Nodes

In the GM Worker Nodes page, you can enable and disable one or more worker nodes.

  • Enabled. The Global Manager will include the worker node when distributing outgoing Global Manager requests to worker nodes.
  • Disabled. The Global Manager will not include the worker node when distributing outgoing Global Manager requests to worker nodes.

To enable or disable one or more worker nodes:

  1. Go to the GM Worker Nodes page (System > Manage > GM Worker Nodes).

  1. Select the checkbox icon for each worker node you want to enable or disable.
  2. Click the Select Action menu and choose Worker Node State: Enabled or Worker Node State: Disabled.
  3. Click the Go button.