Using the Device Manager Page

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After running discovery for the first time, you can view the list of discovered devices on the Device Manager page (Registry > Devices > Device ManagerDevices > Device Manager).

The list of devices on the Device Manager page matches the list of devices on the Devices page, but the Device Manager page includes additional functionality, which is covered in this section.

Use the following menu options to navigate the SL1 user interface:

  • To view a pop-out list of menu options, click the menu icon ().
  • To view a page containing all of the menu options, click the Advanced menu icon ().

Viewing the List of All Devices

After running discovery for the first time, you can view the list of discovered devices in the Device Manager page. To access the Device Manager page, go to Devices > Device Manager (or Registry > Devices > Device Manager in the classic user interface):

You can favorite/unfavorite devices from the Device Inventory page by selecting the star icon on the Device Investigator Settings Bar while in a device. Favorite devices will appear at the top of the inventory list, alphabetically by default. You can also filter favorite devices on the Device Inventory page.

To sort the list of devices, click on a column heading. The list will be sorted by the column value, in ascending order. To sort the list by descending order, click the column heading again.

The Device Manager page displays the following information about each device:

  • Device Name. Name of the device. For devices running SNMP or with DNS entries, the name is discovered automatically. For devices without SNMP or DNS entries, the device's IP address will appear in this field.
  • Device Hostname. For devices that are discovered and managed by hostname (instead of IP address), this field displays the fully qualified hostname for the device.
  • IP Address. The IP address of the device.
  • Device Category. The category assigned to the device. Categories include servers, routers, switches, firewalls, and printers, among others. The category is automatically assigned during discovery, at the same time as the as Device Class/Sub-Class.
  • Device Class/Device Sub-Class. The manufacturer (device class) and type of device (sub-class). The Device Class/Sub-Class is automatically assigned during discovery, at the same time as the Category.
  • DID. Device ID. This is a unique number automatically assigned to the device by SL1.
  • Organization. The Organization to which the device is assigned.
  • Current State. Condition of the device, based upon events generated by the device. The appearance of the Current State field depends upon the value of the Show Severity Badges field in your user preferences. If the Show Severity Badges field is enabled, the value in the Current State column will be displayed as a color-coded badge. If the Show Severity Badges field is not enabled, the value in the Device Name column and the value in the Current State column will be painted with the severity color. The condition can be one of the following:
  • Critical. Device has a serious problem that requires immediate attention.

  • Major. Device has a problem that requires immediate attention.

  • Minor. Device has a less-serious problem.

  • Notice. Device has an informational event associated with it.

  • Healthy. Device is running with no problems.

  • Collection Group. Specifies the collector group to which the device belongs. Collector Groups are defined in the Collector Group Management page (System > Settings > Collector Groups) and specify a primary Data Collector and an optional failover collector. A Data Collector server is the appliance that gathers data from the device. For All-In-One Appliances, this field displays only the built-in Collector Group (and any virtual Collector Groups).

  • Collection State. Specifies the current condition of data collection for the device. Depending on the circumstances, more than one collection state might appear for a single device. For example, if a device is in a scheduled maintenance mode, the Collection State might be Unavailable / Maintenance / System-Disabled. The collection state can be one of the following:
  • Active. SL1 is collecting data from the device.
  • Unavailable. SL1 cannot connect to the device, and will not collect data from the device until the device becomes available. A physical device falls back to executing the availability ping every five minutes, unless you have critical ping enabled. Component devices get their availability calculated by the component discovery Dynamic Application of the parent device.
  • User-Disabled. SL1 is not currently collecting data from the device because the user has disabled collection.
  • System-Disabled. SL1 is not currently collecting data from the device because the system has disabled collection.
  • Maintenance. SL1 is not currently collecting data from the device because it is currently in scheduled maintenance mode.
  • User-Initiated-Maintenance. SL1 is not currently collecting data from the device because it has manually been put into maintenance mode by a user.
  • Component Vanished. The component device has vanished, i.e. is not currently being reported by its root device. SL1 cannot collect data from the device at this time.
  • SNMP Credential. The primary credential used by SL1 to retrieve SNMP information about the device. Your organization membership(s) might affect the display in the SNMP Credential column. For details, see the Discovery and Credentials section.
  • SNMP Version. The version of SNMP used by the SNMP Credential.
  • SL Agent. Indicates if the SL1 Agent is installed on the device. If the agentis installed on the device, the SL Agent column displays a gear icon that can be used to access agent settings. For more information about editing Agent settings, see the Monitoring Using the Agent section. The SL Agent column does not appear on the Device Manager page by default. For more information about adding or removing columns on the Device Manager page, see the Device Manager Preferences section.
  • Tools. Displays icons for managing devices. The choices are:
  • Device Administration (). Leads to the Device Properties page, where you can define basic device parameters and parameters for discovery. From the Device Properties page, you can also access the other pages in the Device Administration tools.
  • Device Management (). Leads to the Device Summary page, where you can see reports and logs related to the device. From the Device Summary page, you can also access the other pages in the Device Reports panel. For details on Device Reports, see the section on Viewing Details in the Device Reports Panel.
  • Root Device ( ). Indicates that the device is a component device. Leads to the Device Properties page of the root device for the component device. In SL1, the root device is the physical device that hosts the system that manages the component device.
  • Parent Device ( ). Indicates that the device is a component device. Leads to the Device Properties page of the parent device for the component device. In SL1, the parent device can be either another component device or a physical device. A parent device can be either: the component device between the current component device and the next layer in the component-device hierarchy or a root device.
  • Interfaces (). Leads to the Interfaces Found page, where you can view details about each network interface on the device.

  • Print Report (). Generates a report for the selected icon. Spawns the Report Selector page, where you can specify the information to include in the report (Full Report, Status, Config, Hardware, Notes, Software, Processes, Network, Events, and Health) and the format in which the report will be generated (Create Report as HTML Document, Create Report as PDF Document, Create Report as MS Word Document, or Create Report as MS Excel Document).

  • Create Ticket (). Leads to the Ticket Editor page, where you can define and file a new ticket for the device. For details on creating tickets, see the Ticketing section.
  • View Asset Record(). This icon appears if an asset record has already been defined for the device. This icon leads to the Asset Properties page, where you can view the asset record for the device.
  • Create Asset Record (). This icon appears if an asset record has not been defined for the device. This icon leads to the Asset Properties page, where you can create an asset record for the device.
  • Checkbox (). Applies the action in the Select Action drop-down list to the device. To select all checkboxes (i.e., to select all devices), select the large red checkmark icon.

Device Manager Preferences

The Device Manager Preferences page allows you to customize the display and behavior of the Device Manager page. To access this page, go to the Device Manager page, select the Actions menu, and then choose Device Manager Preferences.

In the Device Manager Preferences page, you can customize the following:

  • Device Manager Columns. In this list, you can select the default columns to be displayed in the Device Manager page.

NOTE: When you edit the list of columns in the Device Manager Columns field, the selected list of columns in the Account Preferences page is automatically updated. When you edit the list of columns in the Account Preferences page, the selected list of columns in this page is updated.

Filtering the List of Devices

You can filter the list on the Device Manager page by one or more parameters. Only devices that meet all the filter criteria will be displayed in the Device Manager page.

To filter by each parameter except Current State, enter text into the desired filter-while-you-type field. The Device Manager page searches for devices that match the text, including partial matches. By default, the cursor is placed in the left-most filter-while-you-type field. You can use the <Tab> key or your mouse to move your cursor through the fields. The list of devices is dynamically updated as you type. Text matches are not case-sensitive.

You can also use special characters to filter each parameter.

Filter the list by one or more of the following parameters:

  • Device Name. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Device Manager page will display only devices that have a matching device name.
  • Device Hostname. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Device Manager page will display only devices that have a matching hostname.
  • IP Address. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Device Manager page will display only devices that have a matching IP address.
  • Device Category. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Device Manager page will display only devices that have a matching device category.
  • Device Class. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Device Manager page will display only devices that have a matching device class.
  • DID. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Device Manager page will display only devices that have a matching device ID.
  • Organization. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Device Manager page will display only devices that have a matching organization.

  • Current State >=. Specifies the device's current state. Only those devices that match all the previously selected fields and have the specified condition will be displayed. A device's condition is determined by its most severe, outstanding event. The choices are:
  • >=Healthy. Include devices with a condition of "Healthy" or greater. This will include all devices.

  • >=Notice. Include devices with a condition of "Notice" or greater. This means, include devices with a condition of "Notice", "Minor", "Major", and "Critical".
  • >=Minor. Include devices with a condition of "Minor" or greater. This means, include devices with a condition of "Minor", "Major", and "Critical".
  • >=Major. Include devices with a condition of "Major" or greater. This means, include devices with a condition of "Major" and "Critical".
  • >=Critical. Include devices with a condition of "Critical" or greater. This means, include devices with a condition of "Critical", because there is no "greater" condition.
  • Collection Group. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Device Manager page will display only devices that have a matching Collector Group.
  • Collection State. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Device Manager page will display only devices that have a matching Collection State.
  • SNMP Credential. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Device Managerr page will display only devices that have a matching SNMP credential.
  • SNMP Version. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Device Manager page will display only devices that have a matching SNMP version.

TIP: To return to the default list of events, select the Reset button.

Special Characters

You can include the following special characters to filter by each column except those that display date and time:

When searching for a string, SL1 will match substrings by default, even if you do not include any special characters. For example, searching for "hel" will match both "hello" and "helicopter". When searching for a numeric value, SL1 will not match a substring unless you use a special character.

String and Numeric

  • , (comma). Specifies an "OR" operation. Works for string and numeric values. For example:

"dell, micro" matches all values that contain the string "dell" OR the string "micro".

  • & (ampersand). Specifies an "AND " operation. Works for string and numeric values. For example:

"dell & micro" matches all values that contain both the string "dell" AND the string "micro", in any order.

  • ! (exclamation point). Specifies a "not" operation. Works for string and numeric values. For example:

NOTE: You can also use the "!" character in combination with the arithmetical special characters (min-max, >, <, >=, <=, =) described below.

  • * (asterisk). Specifies a "match zero or more" operation. Works for string and numeric values. For a string, matches any string that matches the text before and after the asterisk. For a number, matches any number that contains the text. For example:

"hel*er" would match "helpers" and "helicopter" but not "hello".

"325*" would match "325", "32561", and "325000".

"*000" would match "1000", "25000", and "10500000".

  • ? (question mark). Specifies "match any one character". Works for string and numeric values. For example:

"l?ver" would match the strings "oliver", "levers", and "lover", but not "believer".

"135?" would match the numbers "1350", "1354", and "1359", but not "135" or "13502"


  • ^ (caret). For strings only. Specifies "match the beginning". Matches any string that begins with the specified string. For example:

"^sci" would match "scientific" and "sciencelogic", but not "conscious".

"^happy$" would match only the string "happy", with no characters before or after.

"!^micro" would match all values that do not start with "micro".

"!^$" would match all values that are not null.

"!^" would match null values.

  • $ (dollar sign). For strings only. Specifies "match the ending". Matches any string that ends with the specified string. For example:

"ter$" would match the string "renter" but not the string "terrific".

"^happy$" would match only the string "happy", with no characters before or after.

"!fer$" would match all values that do not end with "fer".

"!^$" would match all values that are not null.

"!$" would match null values.

NOTE: You can use both ^ and $ if you want to match an entire string and only that string. For example, "^tern$" would match the strings "tern" or "Tern" or "TERN"; it would not match the strings "terne" or "cistern".


  • min-max. Matches numeric values only. Specifies any value between the minimum value and the maximum value, including the minimum and the maximum. For example:

"1-5 "would match 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

  • - (dash). Matches numeric values only. A "half open" range. Specifies values including the minimum and greater or including the maximum and lesser. For example:

"1-" matches 1 and greater. So would match 1, 2, 6, 345, etc.

"-5" matches 5 and less. So would match 5, 3, 1, 0, etc.

  • > (greater than). Matches numeric values only. Specifies any value "greater than". For example:

">7" would match all values greater than 7.

  • < (less than). Matches numeric values only. Specifies any value "less than". For example:

"<12" would match all values less than 12.

  • >= (greater than or equal to). Matches numeric values only. Specifies any value "greater than or equal to". For example:

"=>7" would match all values 7 and greater.

  • <= (less than or equal to). Matches numeric values only. Specifies any value "less than or equal to". For example:

"=<12" would match all values 12 and less.

  • = (equal). Matches numeric values only. For numeric values, allows you to match a negative value. For example:

"=-5 " would match "-5" instead of being evaluated as the "half open range" as described above.


  • "!dell" matches all values that do not contain the string "dell".
  • "!^micro" would match all values that do not start with "micro".
  • "!fer$" would match all values that do not end with "fer".
  • "!^$" would match all values that are not null.
  • "!^" would match null values.
  • "!$" would match null values.
  • "!*" would match null values.
  • "happy, !dell" would match values that contain "happy" OR values that do not contain "dell".
  • "aio$". Matches only text that ends with "aio".
  • "^shu". Matches only text that begins with "shu".
  • "^silo$". Matches only the text "silo", with no characters before or after.
  • "!silo". Matches only text that does not contains the characters "silo".
  • "!^silo". Matches only text that does not start with "silo".
  • "!0$". Matches only text that does not end with "0".
  • "!^silo$". Matches only text that is not the exact text "silo", with no characters before or after.
  • "!^". Matches null values, typically represented as "--" in most pages.
  • "!$". Matches null values, typically represented as "--" in most pages.
  • "!^$". Matches all text that is not null.
  • silo, !aggr". Matches text that contains the characters "silo" and also text that does not contain "aggr".
  • "silo, 02, !aggr". Matches text that contains "silo" and also text that contains "02" and also text that does not contain "aggr".
  • "silo, 02, !aggr, !01". Matches text that contains "silo" and also text that contains "02" and also text that does not contain "aggr" and also text that does not contain "01".
  • "^s*i*l*o$". Matches text that contains the letter "s", "i", "l", "o", in that order. Other letters might lie between these letters. For example "sXiXlXo" would match.
  • "!^s*i*l*o$". Matches all text that does not that contains the letter "s", "i", "l", "o", in that order. Other letters might lie between these letters. For example "sXiXlXo" would not match.
  • "!vol&!silo". Matches text that does not contain "vol" AND also does not contain "silo". For example, "volume" would match, because it contains "vol" but not "silo".
  • "!vol&02". Matches text that does not contain "vol" AND also contains "02". For example, "happy02" would match, because it does not contain "vol' and it does contain "02".
  • "aggr,!vol&02". Matches text that contains "aggr" OR text that does not contain "vol" AND also contains "02".
  • "aggr,!vol&!infra". Matches text that contains "aggr" OR text that does not contain "vol" AND does not contain "infra".
  • "*". Matches all text.
  • "!*". Matches null values, typically represented as "--" in most pages.
  • "silo". Matches text that contains "silo".
  • " !silo ". Matches text that does not contain "silo".
  • " !^silo$ ". Matches all text except the text "silo", with no characters before or after.
  • "-3,7-8,11,24,50-". Matches numbers 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 24, 50, and all numbers greater than 50.
  • "-3,7-8,11,24,50-,a". Matches numbers 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 24, 50, and all numbers greater than 50, and text that includes "a".
  • "?n". Matches text that contains any single character and the character "n". For example, this string would match "an", "bn", "cn", "1n", and "2n".
  • "n*SAN". Matches text the contains "n", zero or any number of any characters and then "SAN". For example, the string would match "nSAN", and "nhamburgerSAN".
  • "^?n*SAN$”. Matches text that begins with any single character, is following by "n", and then zero or any number of any characters, and ends in "SAN".

Using the Advanced Filter with the List of Devices

In the Device Manager page, you can specify one or more parameters to filter the display of devices. Only devices that meet all the filter criteria will be displayed.

The Advanced Filter Tool allows you to make selections instead of manually typing in a string to filter on.

To select multiple entries in the Advanced Filter Tool, hold down the <Ctrl> key and left-click the entries. After selecting all filters, click the Apply button to apply the filters to the list of devices. To reset each field and apply no filters, click the Reset button.

To access the Advanced Filter Tool:

  1. Go to the Device Manager page.
  2. Click on the funnel icon ().
  3. The Advanced Filter Tool will display advanced filters for each column in the page.

NOTE: Unlike the "find while you type" feature, the Advanced Filter Tool is not applied to the list of devices until you select the Apply button.

  1. In the Advanced Filter Tool, you can filter by one or more of the following filters.
  • Device Name. In the Match Any fields, you can enter one or more text strings to match, including special characters. The Device Manager page will display only devices that have a matching device name.

  • Device Hostname. In the Match Any fields, you can enter one or more text strings to match, including special characters. The Device Manager page will display only devices that have a matching hostname.
  • IP Address. In the Match Any fields, you can enter one or more text strings to match, including special characters. The Device Manager page will display only devices that have a matching IP address.
  • Device Category. Select from a list of device categories that have member devices. The Device Manager page will display only devices that have a matching device category.
  • Device Class | Sub-class. In the Match Any fields, you can enter one or more text strings to match, including special characters. The Device Manager page will display only devices that have a matching device class or sub-class.
  • DID. In the From and To field, you can specify a range of device IDs. The Device Manager page will display only devices that fall within that range of device IDs.
  • Organization. Select from a list of organizations that have member devices. The Device Manager page will display only devices that have a matching organization.
  • Current State. You can select from a list of device states. The Device Manager page will display only devices that have a matching state.
  • Collection Group. Select from a list of collection groups that have member devices. The Device Manager page will display only devices that have a matching collection group.
  • Collection State. Select from a list of collection states that have member devices. The Device Manager page will display only devices that have a matching collection state.
  • SNMP Credential. Select from a list of SNMP credentials that have member devices. The Device Manager page will display only devices that have a matching SNMP credential.
  • SNMP Version. Select from a list of SNMP versions that have member devices. The Device Manager page will display only devices that have a matching SNMP version.
  • SL Agent. Select either Yes or No. Yes indicates that the agent is installed on the device. No indicates that the agent is not installed on the device. The Device Management page will display only devices that either have or do not have the agent installed.
  1. After selecting all filters, select the Apply button to apply the filters to the list of devices.
  2. To reset each field and apply no filters, select the Reset button.

You can perform an advanced filter and then perform a second advanced filter on the results of the first advanced filter. You can continue to modify and apply an advanced filter multiple times.

Generating a Report for Multiple Devices

From the Device Manager page (Devices > Device Manager), you can generate a report on all devices in SL1 or on multiple devices in SL1. The report will contain all the information displayed in the Device Manager page.

To generate a report about all or multiple devices:

  1. In SL1, go to the Device Manager page (Devices > Device Manager):

  2. To filter the list of devices, use the "search as you type" fields at the top of each column. You can filter the list of devices by one or more column values. Only the devices displayed in the Device Manager page will appear in the report.

  3. Click the Report button.

  4. When prompted, specify the output format for the report and if you want to save the report.

  5. Click Generate. The report displays:

Generating a Report for a Single Device

From the Device Investigator page of the SL1 user interface or the Device Manager page (Devices > Device Manager), you can generate a detailed report on a single device. You can specify the information to include in the report and the format in which the report will be generated, such as PDF, HTML, XLSX, ODS, or CSV.

To generate a detailed report on a single device:

  1. In SL1, go to the Device Manager page (Devices > Device Manager).

  • If you are on the Devices page, click the device name to open theDevice Investigator page for that device. Click the Reports button. The Device Report modal page appears.

  • If you are on the Device Manager page, select the printer icon () for the device for which you want to generate a detailed report. The Report Creator modal page appears.

  1. On the modal page, select one of the following to specify the information to include in the device report:

  • Full Report. Includes information about device status, status of all device policies, status of all monitors, status of hardware components, status of all thresholds defined for the device, a list of all active events associated with the device, and information about the last collection time and last entry to the device log.
  • Status. Includes information about device status, status of all monitors, status of hardware components, status of all thresholds defined for the device, and information about the last collection time and last entry to the device log.
  • Config. Includes status of all monitors, status of all thresholds defined for the device, and information about the last collection time and last entry to the device log.
  • Contacts. Includes contact information for the device's organization and contact information for all vendors and warranty or support accounts.
  • Hardware. Includes overview of hardware components for the device.
  • Notes. Includes all notes created in the Notepad Editor page.
  • Software. Displays a list of software installed on the device.
  • Processes. Displays a list of all processes running on the device.
  • Network. Includes information about network ports and network configuration.
  • Events. Includes a list of all active events associated with the device.
  • Health. Includes information about device status, status of all monitors, status of all Dynamic Applications associated with the device, status of all thresholds defined for the device, and a list of all active events associated with the device.
  1. Select from the following list of formats in which the report can be generated:
  • HTML. Create the report as an HTML document.
  • PDF. Create the report as a PDF document.
  • DOC. Create the report as a Microsoft Word document.
  • XLS. Create the report as Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
  • CSV. Create the report using comma-separated values.
  1. Click Create Report. The report displays in the format you selected:

Viewing the List of Component Devices

You can view the list of component devices from the Device Components page. To view the list of component devices:

  1. Go to the Device Components page (Devices > Device Components).

  2. The Device Components page displays the following about each device:

To sort the list of devices, click on a column heading. The list will be sorted by the column value, in ascending order. To sort by descending order, click the column heading again.

  • Plus-sign icon (). Clicking on this icon expands the device and displays the child devices underneath the device. Each device that displays a plus-sign icon has child devices.
  • Minus-sign icon (). Clicking on this icon collapses the device and hides the child devices for this device. Each device that displays a minus-sign icon has child devices.
  • Device Name. Name of the device. For devices running SNMP, component devices, or devices with DNS entries, the name is discovered automatically. For root devices without SNMP or DNS entries, the device's IP address will appear in this field.
  • IP Address. The IP address of the device. Appears only for physical devices.
  • Device Category. The category assigned to the device. Categories include servers, routers, switches, firewalls, printers, etc. The category is automatically assigned during discovery, at the same time as the as Device-Class/Sub-Class.
  • Device-Class/Device Sub-Class. The manufacturer (device class) and type of device (sub-class). The Device-Class/Sub-Class is automatically assigned during discovery, at the same time as the as Category.
  • DID. Device ID. This is a unique number automatically assigned to the device by SL1.
  • Organization. The Organization to which the device is assigned.

  • Current State. Condition of the device, based upon events generated by the device. Condition can be one of the following:
  • Critical. Device has a serious problem that requires immediate attention.

  • Major. Device has a problem that requires immediate attention.
  • Minor. Device has a less-serious problem.
  • Notice. Device has an informational event associated with it.
  • Healthy. Device is running with no problems.
  • Collector Group. Specifies the collector group to which the device belongs. Collector Groups are defined in System > Settings > Collector Groups and specify one or more Data Collectors. A Data Collector is the appliance that gathers data from the device. For All-In-One Appliances, this field displays only the built-in Collector Group (and any virtual Collector Groups)

  • Collection State. The current condition of data collection for the device. The device can have one or more of the following Collection States:
  • Active. SL1 is collecting data from the device.

  • Unavailable. SL1 cannot connect to the device, and will not collect data from the device until the device becomes available.
  • User-Disabled. SL1 is not currently collecting data from the device because the user has disabled collection.
  • System-Disabled. SL1 is not currently collecting data from the device because the system has disabled collection.
  • Maintenance. SL1 is not currently collecting data from the device because it is currently in scheduled maintenance mode.
  • User-Initiated-Maintenance. SL1 is not currently collecting data from the device because it has manually been put into maintenance mode by a user.
  • Component Vanished. The component device has vanished, i.e. is not currently being reported by its root device. SL1 cannot collect data from the device at this time.

Depending on the circumstances, more than one collection state might appear for a single device. For example, if a device is in a scheduled maintenance mode, the Collection State might be Unavailable / Maintenance / System-Disabled.

  • Tools. Displays icons for managing devices. The choices are:
  • Device Administration (): Leads to the Device Properties page, where you can define basic device parameters and parameters for auto-discovery. From the Device Properties page, you can also access the other pages in the Device Administration tools
  • Device Management (): Leads to the Device Summary page, where you can see reports and logs related to the device. From the Device Summary page, you can also access the other pages in the Device Management tools.
  • Interfaces (). Leads to the Interfaces Found page, where you can view details about each network interface on the device.

  • Print Report (). Generates a report for the selected device. Opens the Report Selector modal, where you can specify the information to include in the report (Full Report, Status, Config, Hardware, Notes, Software, Processes, Network, Events, Health) and the format in which the report will be generated (HTML Document, PDF Document, MS Word Document, MS Excel Document, or CSV File).
  • Create Ticket (). Leads to the Ticket Editor page, where you can define and file a new ticket for the device.
  • View Asset Record (). This icon appears if an asset record has already been defined for the device. This icon leads to the Asset Properties page, where you can view the asset record for the device.
  • Create Asset Record ( ). This icon appears if an asset record has not been defined for the device. This icon leads to the Asset Properties page, where you can create an asset record for the device.
  • Checkbox (). Applies the action in the Select Action drop-down to the device. To select all the checkboxes, select the large red checkmark icon.

Availability for Component Devices

The following rules apply to the availability state for component devices:

  • Component devices can use a Component Identifier to monitor availability. However, in a tree of component devices, some component devices might have a component identifier for availability and others might not. For example, suppose a component device has a component identifier for availability, and SL1 considers that component device "unavailable". All the descendents of that component device that do not have their own component identifier for availability will be considered unavailable. As soon as SL1 finds a descendent with its own component identifier for availability, SL1 stops checking that descendent and its descendents for availability. Component devices without their own component identifier for availability inherit their availability from their nearest ancestor that has a component identifier for availability.

  • For trees that include merged devices, to include both hardware devices and component devices, SL1 skips over the hardware devices and allows them to use a network-based protocol to determine availability. For example, suppose you have a tree like this:
  • Grandparent device is a component device with a component identifier for availability. SL1 has determined that the grandparent device is unavailable.

  • Child device is a hardware device that uses ICMP and ping to determine availability. When SL1 evaluates the grandparent's component identifier, SL1 skips over this device. ICMP and ping determine the availability of this device.
  • Grandchild device is a component device that does not have its own component identifier for availability. When SL1 evaluates the grandparent's component identifier, SL1 assigns the grandparent's availability to this grandchild device.
  • If all the hosts in a cluster are powered off or unavailable in a VMware system, both the hardware-based hosts and the associated component devices will display the value Unavailable in the Collection State column. When at least one host in the cluster becomes available, some or all of the associated component devices will also become available.

Viewing Child Devices

You can view component child devices of a root device in the Device Components page. If that child device also serves as a root device, you can also view its component child devices, and so forth. To view component child devices for root devices:

  1. Go to the Device Components page (Devices > Device Components).

  2. In the Device Components page, find the root device for which you want to view its component children. Select its plus sign icon ().

  3. The device will be expanded to display the component child devices below the root device:

  4. You can select the plus sign icon for each component child device that also serves as a root device. To collapse the component child devices, select their minus sign icon ().

Filtering the List of Component Devices

You can filter the list on the Device Components page by one or more parameters. Only component devices that meet all the filter criteria will be displayed in the Device Components page.

To filter by each parameter except Current State, enter text into the desired filter-while-you-type field. The Device Components page searches for component devices that match the text, including partial matches. By default, the cursor is placed in the left-most filter-while-you-type field. You can use the <Tab> key or your mouse to move your cursor through the fields. The list is dynamically updated as you type. Text matches are not case-sensitive.

You can also use special characters to filter each parameter.

Filter the list by one or more of the following parameters:

  • Device Name. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Device Components page will display only devices that have a matching device name.
  • IP Address. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Device Components page will display only devices that have a matching IP address.
  • Device Category. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Device Components page will display only devices that have a matching device category.
  • Device Class | Sub-Class. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Device Components page will display only devices that have a matching device class.
  • DID. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Device Components page will display only devices that have a matching device ID.
  • Organization. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Device Components page will display only devices that have a matching organization.
  • Current State >=. Specifies the device’s current state. Only those devices that match all the previously selected fields and have the specified condition will be displayed. A device’s condition is determined by its most severe, outstanding event. The choices are:
  • >=Healthy. Include devices with a condition of “Healthy” or greater. This will include all devices.
  • >=Notice. Include devices with a condition of “Notice” or greater. This means, include devices with a condition of “Notice”, “Minor”, “Major”, and “Critical”.
  • >=Minor. Include devices with a condition of “Minor” or greater. This means, include devices with a condition of “Minor”, “Major”, and “Critical”.
  • >=Major. Include devices with a condition of “Major” or greater. This means, include devices with a condition of “Major” and “Critical”.
  • >=Critical. Include devices with a condition of “Critical” or greater. This means, include devices with a condition of “Critical”, because there is no “greater” condition.
  • Collection Group. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Device Components page will display only devices that have a matching Collector Group.
  • Collection State. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Device Components page will display only devices that have a matching Collection State.

TIP: To return to the default list of events, select the Reset button.

Using the Advanced Filter with the List of Component Devices

You can use the Advanced Filter tool to select one or more parameters to filter the display of devices in the Device Components page. Only devices that meet all the filter criteria will be displayed.

TIP: To select multiple entries in the Advanced Filter tool, hold down the <Ctrl> key and left-click the entries. After selecting all filters, click the [Apply] button to apply the filters to the list of devices. To reset each field and apply no filters, click the Reset button.

To access the Advanced Filter tool:

  1. Go to the Device Components page (Devices > Device Components).
  2. Click on the funnel icon ().
  3. The Advanced Filter Tool will display advanced filters for each column in the page. You can filter by one or more of the following parameters:

NOTE: Unlike the "filter-while-you-type" feature, the Advanced Filter tool is not applied to the list of devices until you select the Apply button

  • Device Name. In the Match Any fields, you can enter one or more text strings to match, including special characters. The Device Components page will display only devices that have a matching device name.
  • IP Address. In the Match Any fields, you can enter one or more text strings to match, including special characters. The Device Components page will display only devices that have a matching IP address.
  • Device Category. Select from a list of device categories that have member devices. The Device Components page will display only devices that have a matching device category.
  • Device Class | Sub-class. In the Match Any fields, you can enter one or more text strings to match, including special characters. The Device Components page will display only devices that have a matching device class or sub-class.
  • DID. In the From and To field, you can specify a range of device IDs. The Device Components page will display only devices that fall within that range of device IDs.
  • Organization. Select from a list of organizations that have member devices. The Device Components page will display only devices that have a matching organization.
  • Current State. You can select from a list of device states. The Device Components page will display only devices that have a matching state.
  • Collection Group. Select from a list of collection groups that have member devices. The Device Components page will display only devices that have a matching collection group.
  • Collection State. Select from a list of collection states that have member devices. The Device Components page will display only devices that have a matching collection state.
  1. After selecting the desired filters, clickthe Applybutton to filter the list of devices.
  2. To reset each field and apply no filters, clickthe Reset button.

TIP: You can perform an advanced filter and then perform a second advanced filter on the results of the first advanced filter. You can continue to modify and apply an advanced filter multiple times.

Bulk Actions in the Device Management Page

The Device Manager page Devices > Device Manager) contains a drop-down field in the lower right called Select Action. This field allows you to apply an action to multiple devices at once.

To apply an action to multiple devices:

  1. In the Device Manager page, select the checkbox for each device you want to apply the action to. To select all checkboxes for all devices, select the red checkbox () at the top of the page.

  1. In the Select Action drop-down list, select one of the following actions:
  • Delete Devices. Deletes all selected devices from SL1. Tickets associated with the device are unlinked from the device, but are not deleted.
  • Modify by Template. Displays the Applying Template to Device page, where you can apply the settings in a device template to all selected devices. You can also make one-time changes to the template, and those changes will be applied only to the selected devices. For details on using device templates, see the Device Groups and Device Templates section.
  • Clear Device Logs. Deletes data from the device's log files. For details on device logs, see the section on Device Logs.
  • Create Asset Record. Creates an asset record for each selected device. For details on asset records, see the Asset Management section.
  • Schedule Maintenance. Leads to the Maintenance Schedule page. In this page you can specify a date and time to put each selected device into "maintenance mode". During maintenance mode, SL1 will not generate events about the selected devices. You can choose to disable or enable polling during maintenance mode. Even if polling is enabled, SL1 will collect information from the selected devices but will not generate events for the devices. For details on scheduling maintenance, see the section on Maintenance.
  • Find Collection Label Duplicates. Leads to the Duplicates page. In this page, you can view a list of devices where the Collection Labels have more than one possible presentation object aligned. From this page, you can manually align a single presentation object with a Collection label for a device. For more information on Collection Labels, see the section Grouping Dynamic Application Data Using Collection Labels.
  • Change Collection State. Changes the status of the device in SL1. The choices are:
  • Active. SL1 polls the device on a regular basis and updates the data displayed in SL1.
  • Disabled. SL1 does not poll the device. Data displayed in SL1 is not updated.

  • Change User Maintenance Mode. Changes the user maintenance mode setting for the selected devices. For details on user maintenance mode, see the section on Maintenance.
  • Change Collector Group: Changes the Data Collector(s) used to collect data from the device. Choose from the list of all Collector Groups in SL1. When you select one of the collector groups, each selected device will by polled by the collectors in the collector group. This option does not appear for All-In-One Appliances. For details on collector groups and their relationships to devices, see the System Administration section.

  • Move To Organization: Associates a device with an organization. The list of choices will include all organizations in SL1. For details on organizations in SL1, see the Organizations and Users section.

  • Align SNMP Read Credential. This option applies the selected credential to all selected devices. The selected devices will use the selected credential as their primary credential. Secondary credentials will remain unchanged. Choose from a list of all SNMP Read credentials in SL1 (defined in the Credential Management page [System > Manage > Credentials]). For more details on Credentials, see the Credentials and Discovery section.

  • Add to Device Group. This option aligns the selected devices with the selected device group. The selected devices will then appear in Device Group Views and will inherit the properties of the device group, including scheduling, access, and visibility.
  • Align to Device Dashboard. This option aligns the selected device dashboard with the selected device group. Choose from a list of all device dashboards in SL1 (defined in the Device Dashboards page [System > Customize > Device Dashboards]). For more details on Device Dashboards, see the Device Dashboards section.

Bulk Actions for Component Devices

The Device Components page (Devices > Device Components) contains a drop-down field in the lower right called Select Action. This field allows you to apply an action to multiple devices at once.

To apply an action to multiple devices:

  1. In the Device Components page, select the checkbox for each device you want to apply the action to. To select all checkboxes for all devices, select the red checkbox () at the top of the page.
  2. In the Select Action drop-down list, select one of the following actions:
  • Delete Selected Devices. Deletes all selected devices from SL1. Tickets associated with the device are unlinked from the device, but are not deleted.
  • Delete Selected Devices (recursive). Deletes all selected devices from SL1. If one or more of the selected devices is a root device with one or more component devices as children, this option deletes the root device and the component devices. Tickets associated with the deleted device are unlinked from the device, but are not deleted. To delete a root device and its associated component devices, use the option Delete Selected Devices (recursive).
  • Modify by Template. Displays the Applying Template to Device page, where you can apply the settings in a device templates to all selected devices. You can also make one-time changes to the template, that will be applied only to the selected devices.
  • Clear Device Logs. Deletes data from the device's log files.
  • Schedule Maintenance. Leads to the Maintenance Schedule page. In this page, you can specify a date and time to put each selected device into "maintenance mode". During maintenance mode, SL1 will not generate events about the selected devices. You can choose to enable or disable polling during maintenance mode. Even if polling is enabled, SL1 will collect information from the selected devices but will not generate events for the devices.
  • Create Asset Record. Automatically creates an asset record for the device. SL1 automatically populates as many fields as possible, using retrieved data.

  • Change Collection State. Changes the status of the device in SL1. The choices are:
  • Active. SL1 polls the device on a regular basis and updates the data displayed in SL1.

  • Active (recursive). SL1 polls the device on a regular basis and updates the data displayed in SL1. SL1 also polls all children devices (of the selected device) on a regular basis and updates their data.
  • Disabled. SL1 does not poll the device. Data displayed in SL1 is not updated.
  • Disabled (recursive). SL1 does not poll the device. SL1 does not update data about the device. SL1 also does not poll any children devices (of the selected device) and does not update data about the children devices.
  • Change Collector Group. Changes the collector group used to collect data from the device. Choose from the list of all collector groups and virtual collector groups in SL1. When you select one of the collector groups, each selected device will by polled by the collectors in the collector group. For All-In-One Appliances, you can select only the built-in Collector Group and any virtual Collector Groups.
  • If you align a device with a virtual Collector Group, SL1 will store all historical data from all aligned devices, but will no longer perform collection on those devices or trigger events for these devices.
  • Move to Organization. Associates a device with an organization. The list of choices will include all organizations in SL1.
  • Align SNMP Read Credential. This option applies the selected credential to all selected devices. The selected devices will use the selected credential as their primary credential. Secondary credentials will remain unchanged. Choose from a list of all SNMP Read credentials in SL1 (defined in System > Manage > Credentials).
  • Add to Device Group. This option aligns the selected devices with the selected device group. The selected devices will then appear in Device Group Views and will inherit the properties of the device group, including scheduling, access, and visibility.
  1. Select the Go button. SL1 will apply the selected option to the selected devices.

Bulk Merging and Unmerging of Devices

If your SL1 system includes a physical device and a component device that both represent the same device, you can merge those device records into a single record for easier monitoring. Merging does not remove, replace, or add any data; merging simply groups data together.

There are several benefits to merging physical and component devices:

  • Merging consolidates the devices and their data—device fields, values, graphs, behaviors, and other user interface elements—providing you with a single set of data for the device.
  • Merging reduces the number of duplicated events and administrative tasks.
  • Merged devices consume only a single device license.

For example, you might discover a virtual machine device component representing a server, and then later discover an IP-based device from the same server. To prevent duplicate events from occurring for the same server, minimize administrative tasks, and prevent a negative impact on your licensing by inflating the number of devices being monitored by SL1, you could merge the virtual machine component and the corresponding IP-based device into a single device record.

You cannot merge a component device with a physical device that acts as the root device for a dynamic component map (DCM) tree.

When you merge a physical device and a component device, the device record for the component device no longer displays in the user interface, while the device record for the physical device displays in user interface pages that previously displayed the component device. For example, the physical device is displayed instead of the component device in the Device Components page and the Component Map page. All existing and future data for both devices will be associated with the record for the physical device.

Merged devices can be unmerged back into individual device records, if needed.

The Device Manager page (Devices > Device Manager) contains options for the bulk merging or unmerging of multiple pairs of physical and component devices. These features are convenient if you have a large number of devices you want to merge or unmerge in a single session.

You can merge only two individual devices together into a single merged device. To do so, you must have user permissions that allow merging and unmerging on both devices. For more information about user access permissions, see the section on Assigning Access Hooks.

When you merge devices, active events associated with the component device will be set to "cleared." The cleared events will not be associated with the physical device. If the devices are unmerged, the cleared events cannot be moved back to the component device.

Merging devices also merges the log data from each device. The log data cannot be unmerged later.

Use consistent device hostnames to make device merging easier.

Performing a Bulk Device Merge

If you have a large number of devices to merge, you can perform a bulk device merge, which is more efficient than merging device pairs individually. A bulk device merge enables you to select from multiple pairs of devices—particularly those with matching IP addresses or device names—and choose the pairs to merge.

If you have a small number of physical and component devices that you want to merge, you can merge each pair individually. For more information, see the Merging Individual Devices section.

To perform a bulk device merge:

  1. Go to the Device Manager page (Devices > Device Manager).
  2. Select the Actions menu and then choose Merge Devices.

Because of the potentially large number of devices that could be merged, no results display when the Device Bulk Merge page initially displays. You must select one of the checkboxes or begin typing a name in the Names Contain field for results to display on the page.

  1. On the Device Bulk Merge page:

  • Select the IP Addresses Match checkbox if you want the page to display a list of devices where the physical device and the component device a have matching IP addresses.

  • Select the Names Match checkbox if you want the page to display a list of devices where the physical device and the component device have matching Device Names.
  • If you want the page to display a list of devices that could be merged where the Device Names of the physical device and the component device contain the same character(s), enter those characters in the Names Contain field.

  • In the Organizations field:
  • Select Ignored if you do not want to filter the list of devices based on the Organizations assigned to the physical device and the component device.

  • Select Match if you want to filter the list of devices to include only physical devices and component devices that have matching Organizations.
  • Select Don't Match if want to filter the list of devices to include only physical devices and component devices that do not have matching Organizations.

  • In the Classes field:
  • Select Ignored if you do not want to filter the list of devices based on the Device Classes assigned to the physical device and the component device.

  • Select Match if you want to filter the list of devices to include only physical devices and component devices that are assigned matching Device Classes.
  • Select Don't Match if you want to filter the list of devices to include only physical devices and component devices that are assigned non-matching Device Classes.

You can make selections in the Organizations and Classes fields only after you make a selection or entry in the IP Addresses Match, Names Match, and/or Names Contain fields.

The Device Bulk Mergepage displays a list of physical device and component device pairs that match your search criteria. Each numbered row indicates a pair of devices that could be merged.

  1. Select the radio button(s) in the last column of each row of device pairs that you want to merge, then select the Merge button. The radio buttons are grouped per physical device, i.e., you can select only one row for each physical device.

You can select each component device only once for merging. If you attempt to select the same component device in multiple rows, you will receive an error message when you select the Merge button.

  1. A modal window displays that asks you to confirm the merge. Select the Yes button.
  2. SL1 begins merging the selected devices. When the message, "Device Bulk Merge complete" displays, select the Close/Esc button.

To view an updated list of devices that includes your merged devices, select the Reset button on the Device Manager page.

Performing a Bulk Device Unmerge

If you have a large number of devices to unmerge, you can perform a bulk device unmerge, which is more efficient than unmerging device pairs individually. A bulk device unmerge enables you to view a list of merged devices and select all of the devices you want to unmerge.

If you have a small number of devices that you want to unmerge, you can unmerge each pair individually. For more information, see the Unmerging Individual Devices section.

For details on unmerging a vanished device, see the section on Unmerging Vanished Devices.

To unmerge multiple devices:

  1. Go to the Device Manager page (Devices > Device Manager).
  1. Select the Actions menu and then choose Unmerge Devices.
  2. The Device Bulk Unmerge page displays a list of merged devices. Each numbered row indicates a pair of merged devices that can be unmerged. Select the checkboxes in the last column of each row of devices that you want to unmerge, then select the Unmerge button.

  1. A modal window displays that asks you to confirm the unmerging. Select the Unmerge button.
  2. When the message, "Device Bulk Unmerge complete" displays, select the Close/Esc button.

To view an updated list of devices that includes your unmerged devices, select the Reset button on the Device Manager page.