Classic Global Event Console

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The Global Event Console page displays active events from all the stacks from which Global Manager is aggregating data.

This section applies only to the classic SL1 Global Manager.

Use the following menu options to navigate the SL1 user interface:

  • To view a pop-out list of menu options, click the menu icon ().
  • To view a page containing all of the menu options, click the Advanced menu icon ().

Disabling the Classic Global Event Console

When you install the Global Manager PowerPack, the SL1 system automatically enables the Global Manager Events Console. If you want to view only local events in the Events Console, unselect the Global View checkbox in the Event Console Preferences page. For details, see the section on Global Event Console Preferences.

Viewing Events in the Classic Global Event Console

To view a list of all active events from all stacks, click the Events tab. The Global Event Console page appears.

Each event is color-coded to make it easy for you to determine severity:

Color Severity Description
Red Critical Critical Events indicate a condition that can seriously impair or curtail service and requires immediate attention (i.e., service or system outages).
Orange Major Major Events indicate a condition that impacts service and requires immediate investigation.
Yellow Minor Minor Events indicate a condition that does not currently impair service, but the condition needs to be corrected before it becomes more severe.
Blue Notice Notice Events indicate a condition that does not affect service but about which users should be aware.
Green Healthy Healthy Events indicate that a device or condition has returned to a healthy state. Frequently, a healthy event is generated after a problem has been fixed.

Events in the Global Event Console are rolled up. This means that if the same event occurs multiple times on a single device, you will see only one entry in the Global Event Console and the value in the Count column will indicate the number of times the event has occurred.

If you select the Group by Organization checkbox in the Global Event Console Preferences page:

  • Events in the Global Event Console will be grouped by organization.
  • The filter-while-you-type fields will appear for each organization grouping and will act only on the events in that organization grouping. You will not be able to apply a single filter to events in multiple organizations.

The Global Event Console displays a legend, showing the number of events of each severity. For each severity, the legend indicates the number of events displayed on the current page. The second number, in parentheses, indicates the additional number of events with the same severity that are not displayed in the current page. These additional events either display on a subsequent page or do not display because of the current filters applied to the page or because of the setting in the Default Severity Filter field in the Account Preferences page (Preferences > Account > Preferences) and in the Event Console Preferences page. For example, "3 (+7) Healthy" means that the current page displays three events with a severity of "Healthy" and that seven more events with a severity of "Healthy" exist but are not displayed in the current page.

Information About Each Event

For each event, the Event Console can display the following information:

By default, the list of events is displayed from newest to oldest. To sort the list of events, click on a column heading. The list will be sorted by the column value, in ascending order. To sort by descending order, click the column heading again. You can sort this way in both normal mode and kiosk mode.

  • Stack. The name of the stack on which the event is active. Clicking on the stack icon () opens a new window where you can view the list of local events on the selected stack.
  • Organization. Appears only if you have not selected the Group by Organization checkbox in the Account Preferences page (Preferences > Account > Preferences) and in the Event Console Preferences page (Events > Actions > Console Preferences). Specifies the organization that the event is associated with. Clicking on the organization icon () leads to the Organization Summary page for the selected organization.
  • Name. Name of the entity associated with the event. Clicking on the icon leads to an informational page about the entity.
  • Type. Type of entity associated with the event. The possible options are:
  • Organizations
  • Devices
  • Assets
  • IP networks
  • Interfaces
  • IT Services
  • Vendors
  • User Accounts
  • Virtual Interfaces

  • Source. System or application that generated this event. Choices are:
  • Syslog. Event was generated from a system log generated by a device.
  • Email. Event was generated by an email from an external agent. For example, Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM).
  • Internal. Event was generated by SL1.
  • Trap. Event was generated by an SNMP trap.
  • Dynamic. Event was generated by a Dynamic Application collecting data from the device.
  • API. Event was generated by a snippet Run Book Action, a snippet Dynamic Application, a request to the ScienceLogic API, or by an external system.
  • SL1 agent. Message is generated by log file messages collected by the SL1 agent. For more information about creating Log File Monitoring Policies to monitor log file messages collected by the agent, see the section on Monitoring Device Logs Using an Agent.

  • Message. Message generated for the event.
  • Severity. Severity of the event. Possible values are:
  • Critical
  • Major
  • Minor
  • Notice
  • Healthy
  • Acknowledged. If the event has been acknowledged, this column displays a red check-mark character and specifies the user who acknowledged the event. If the event has not been acknowledged, this field displays a gray check-mark character. To acknowledge an event, click in this column.
  • Note. User-defined note to accompany the event. To create or edit a note, select the wrench icon () in this column. To save a note, select the green disk icon () in this column.
  • Ticket ID. If a ticket has been created for the event, this column displays the ticket ID of that ticket. Clicking the ticket icon () leads to the Ticket Editor page for the ticket on its local SL1 System.
  • External Ticket. The numeric ID associated with a ticket from an external ticketing system (that is, a ticket that was not created in SL1). If this field displays a value, you can click on that value to spawn a new window and view the external ticket.
  • NOTE: To link an external ticket to an event, you must create a custom Run Book Automation policy and a custom Run Book Action or use the ScienceLogic APIs.

  • Age/Elapsed Time. Number of days, hours, and minutes since the last occurrence of the event.
  • Date Last Detected. Date and time the event last occurred on this entity.
  • EID. Unique ID for the event, generated by SL1. This ID includes the ID assigned to the stack by Global Manager and the ID of the event on the stack separated by an underscore character ("_").
  • Count. Number of times this event has occurred or number of child events associated with the event or number of masked events associated with the event.
  • Notify. Number of times the event has triggered the execution of an Automation Policy.
  • Information icon (). Displays the Event Information page, where you can view an overview of the selected event, suppress the selected event, or edit the definition of the selected event.
  • Ticket icon (). Depending upon the setting Ticket Life Ring Button Behavior (found in System > Settings > Behavior), one of the following will happen:
  • The Ticket Editor page appears. If a ScienceLogic ticket is already aligned with this event, you can view details about the ticket. If a ScienceLogic ticket is not yet aligned with this event, you can define a ticket and the SL1 system will automatically associate the new ticket with the selected event.
  • If an external ticket is aligned with an event, when you select the life-ring icon () for that event (from the Event Console), SL1 spawns a new window and displays the external ticket. If an external ticket is not yet aligned with an event, when you select the life-ring icon () for that event, SL1 sets a "request" flag for the ticket and displays an acknowledgment that a new ticket has been requested. You can then use the "request" in run book logic, to create the ticket on the external system.

Viewing Details About an Event

In the classic user interface, you can view details about an event, suppress an event, and access the event policy from the Event Information page.

NOTE: To view the Event Information page, accounts of type "user" must be granted one or more access keys that includes the following access hook: Events/Event:View. Accounts of type "user" will then be able to view details for all events in the same organization as the user.

To access the Event Information page:

  1. Go to the [Events] tab.

  2. Find the event you are interested in and select its information icon (). The Event Information page appears:

The Event Information page displays the following details about the event:

  • Event ID. Unique ID for the event, generated by SL1.
  • Event Message. Message generated by the event, as defined in the Event Policy Editor page (Registry > Events > Event Manager > create or edit).
  • Severity. Severity of the event. Choices are:
  • Critical
  • Major
  • Minor
  • Notice
  • Healthy
  • For Element. Name of the element associated with the event.
  • First Occurrence. Number of days and hours since the first occurrence of the event, and date and time of first occurrence of the event.
  • Last Occurrence. Number of days and hours since the last occurrence of the event, and date and time of last occurrence of the event.
  • Occurrence Count. Number of times this event has occurred on this entity.
  • Acknowledged On. Date and time the event was acknowledged.
  • Acknowledged By. Username of user who acknowledged the event.
  • Policy Name/ID. Name of the event policy, as defined in the Event Policy Editor page (Registry > Events > Event Manager > create or edit) and policy ID.
  • Policy Type. Source of the log message that triggers the event, as defined in the Event Policy Editor page (Registry > Events > Event Manager > create or edit). Choices are:
  • Syslog. Event was generated from a system log generated by device.
  • Internal. Event was generated by SL1.
  • Trap. Event was generated by an SNMP trap.
  • Dynamic. Event was generated by a Dynamic Application collecting data from the device.
  • Email. Event was generated by an email from an external agent; for example, Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM).
  • API. Event was generated by a snippet Run Book Action, a snippet Dynamic Application, a request to the ScienceLogic API, or by an external system.
  • Ticket Description. Description field from the associated ticket, if applicable.
  • Probable Cause & Resolution Text. This pane displays additional information about the event, as defined in the Event Policy Editor page (Registry > Events > Event Manager > create or edit).
  • Correlation Reason. This field displays the user-defined notes about event categories and event correlation. You can enter up to 256 characters in this field. To save your changes, select the Save Correlation Reason button.
  • Note. This field displays the user-defined note associated with the event. To add or edit a note, enter text in this field and then select the [Save Note] button.

Depending on your Access Keys, the Actions menu displays one or more of the following entries:

  • Create a Ticket. Leads to the Ticket Editor page , where you can define a new ticket based on the event.
  • Edit Aligned Ticket. Leads to the Ticket Editor page, where you can edit an existing ticket that is based on the event.
  • Edit Aligned Event Policy. Leads to the Event Policy Editor page (Registry > Events > Event Manager > create or edit), where you can edit the properties of the event definition.
  • Edit Device Thresholds. Leads to the Device Thresholds page, where you can define and edit storage and performance thresholds for a device.
  • Suppress Event for This Device. Suppresses the current event on the current device. When you suppress an event, you are specifying that in the future, if this event occurs again on the same device, the event will not appear in
  • Refresh This Page. Updates the page with the latest information.
  • View Device Summary. Leads to the Device Summary page for the device, where you can view overview information on the health of the device, a list of events and tickets associated with the device, a list of elements associated with the device, a list of monitoring policies for the device, and hardware and bandwidth usage for the device.

Global Search Field

The Global Search field in the upper left of the page allows you to filter the entire list of displayed events by a single parameter. SL1 will update and display only events that have a matching parameter.

To use the Global Search field, enter values in the Search drop-down list and the Text field:

  • Search. You can select one of the following search parameters:
  • Organization. Appears only if you have not selected the Group by Organization checkbox in the Account Preferences page (Preferences > Account > Preferences) or in the Event Console Preferences page (Events > Actions > Console Preferences). Name of the organization associated with the event.

  • Name. Name of the entity associated with the event.
  • Event Message. Message generated for the event.
  • Severity. Severity of the event.
  • Acknowledged. If the event has been acknowledged, search for the user who acknowledged the event.
  • Note. User-defined note associated with the event.
  • Ticket. If a ticket has been created for the event, this parameter searches by the ticket ID of that ticket.
  • External Ticket. The numeric ID associated with a ticket from an external ticketing system (that is, a ticket that was not created in SL1).
  • Event ID. Unique ID for the event, generated by SL1.
  • Text. For each search parameter, you must enter text to match. SL1 will search for events that match the text, including partial matches. Text matches are not case-sensitive. You can use special characters in each filter.

To perform another search on the results of the previous search:

  1. Select the plus-sign (+) to the left of the Refresh Timer.

  1. This adds another Search field and Text field to the top of the page. This second search will search only the results from the first search.
  2. You can add as many Search and Text fields as you need.

NOTE: You can save the results of a Global Search as a custom view.

Filtering the Global Event Console

The page includes a filter for each column you selected to display, except Age/Elapsed. You can specify one or more parameters to filter the display of events. Only events that meet all the filter criteria will be displayed in .

You can filter by one or more parameters. The list of events is dynamically updated as you select each filter.

NOTE: To return to the default list of events, click the Reset button.

To access the Filter-While-You-Type feature in :

  1. Go to page.
  2. The settings in the Account Preferences page (Preferences > Account > Preferences) and in the Event Console Preferences page (Events > Actions > Console Preferences) affect the scope of the filter-while-you-type fields. If you select the Group by Organization checkbox in the Account Preferences page or the Event Console Preferences page, events in will be grouped by organization. The filter-while-you-type fields will appear for each organization grouping and will act only on the events in that organization grouping. You will not be able to apply a single filter to events in multiple organizations.
  3. If you selected the Group by Organization checkbox, find the organization for which you want to filter the list of events. Expand the list of events by clicking on the plus sign (+) next to the organization name.
  4. If you have not selected the Group by Organization checkbox, go to the top of page.

  1. The filter-while-you-type fields are displayed in the row under the column headings.
  • For each filter except Severity , Last Detected, and Age/Elapsed, you must enter text to match against. SL1 will search for events that match the text, including partial matches. Text matches are not case-sensitive. You can use special characters in each filter.

  • Organization. Appears only if you have not selected the Group by Organization checkbox in the Account Preferences page (Preferences > Account > Preferences) or in the Event Console Preferences page (Events > Actions > Console Preferences). You can enter text to match, including special characters, and page will display only events that have a matching organization.

  • Name. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and page will display only events that have a matching entity name.
  • Type. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and page will display only events that have a matching entity type.
  • Event Message. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and page will display only events that have a matching event message.

  • Severity. You can select a severity value, and page will display only events that have a matching severity. Choices are:
  • >=Healthy. Will display all events with a severity greater than or equal to "Healthy". Healthy has a numeric value of "0" (zero).
  • >=Notice. Will display all events with a severity greater than or equal to "Notice". Notice has a numeric value of "1" (one).
  • >=Minor. Will display all events with a severity greater than or equal to "Minor". Minor has a numeric value of "2" (two).
  • >=Major. Will display all events with a severity greater than or equal to "Major". Major has a numeric value of "3" (three).
  • >=Critical. Will display all events with a severity greater than or equal to "Critical". Critical has a numeric value of "4" (four).

  • Acknowledged. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and page will display only events that have been acknowledged by a matching user account.
  • Note. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and page will display only events that have matching note text.
  • Ticket. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and page will display only events that have a matching ticket ID.
  • External Ticket. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and page will display only events that have a matching external ticket name or ID.
  • Age/Elapsed. You can enter time in seconds, and page will display only events that last occurred within that number of seconds or less.
  • Last Detected. Only those events that match the specified detection date will be displayed. The choices are:
  • All. Display events from all detection dates and times.
  • Last Minute. Display only events that have been detected within the last minute.
  • Last Hour. Display only events that have been detected within the last hour.
  • Last Day. Display only events that have been detected within the last day.
  • Last Week. Display only events that have been detected within the last week.
  • Last Month. Display only events that have been detected within the last month.
  • Last Year. Display only events that have been detected within the last year.
  • EID. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and page will display only events that have a matching event ID.
  • Source. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and page will display only events that have a matching source.

  • Count. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and page will display only events that have a matching count number.
  • Notify. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and page will display only events that have a matching number of notifications.

Special Characters

You can include the following special characters to filter by each column except those that display date and time:

When searching for a string, SL1 will match substrings by default, even if you do not include any special characters. For example, searching for "hel" will match both "hello" and "helicopter". When searching for a numeric value, SL1 will not match a substring unless you use a special character.

String and Numeric

  • , (comma). Specifies an "OR" operation. Works for string and numeric values. For example:

"dell, micro" matches all values that contain the string "dell" OR the string "micro".

  • & (ampersand). Specifies an "AND " operation. Works for string and numeric values. For example:

"dell & micro" matches all values that contain both the string "dell" AND the string "micro", in any order.

  • ! (exclamation point). Specifies a "not" operation. Works for string and numeric values. For example:

NOTE: You can also use the "!" character in combination with the arithmetical special characters (min-max, >, <, >=, <=, =) described below.

  • * (asterisk). Specifies a "match zero or more" operation. Works for string and numeric values. For a string, matches any string that matches the text before and after the asterisk. For a number, matches any number that contains the text. For example:

"hel*er" would match "helpers" and "helicopter" but not "hello".

"325*" would match "325", "32561", and "325000".

"*000" would match "1000", "25000", and "10500000".

  • ? (question mark). Specifies "match any one character". Works for string and numeric values. For example:

"l?ver" would match the strings "oliver", "levers", and "lover", but not "believer".

"135?" would match the numbers "1350", "1354", and "1359", but not "135" or "13502"


  • ^ (caret). For strings only. Specifies "match the beginning". Matches any string that begins with the specified string. For example:

"^sci" would match "scientific" and "sciencelogic", but not "conscious".

"^happy$" would match only the string "happy", with no characters before or after.

"!^micro" would match all values that do not start with "micro".

"!^$" would match all values that are not null.

"!^" would match null values.

  • $ (dollar sign). For strings only. Specifies "match the ending". Matches any string that ends with the specified string. For example:

"ter$" would match the string "renter" but not the string "terrific".

"^happy$" would match only the string "happy", with no characters before or after.

"!fer$" would match all values that do not end with "fer".

"!^$" would match all values that are not null.

"!$" would match null values.

NOTE: You can use both ^ and $ if you want to match an entire string and only that string. For example, "^tern$" would match the strings "tern" or "Tern" or "TERN"; it would not match the strings "terne" or "cistern".


  • min-max. Matches numeric values only. Specifies any value between the minimum value and the maximum value, including the minimum and the maximum. For example:

"1-5 "would match 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

  • - (dash). Matches numeric values only. A "half open" range. Specifies values including the minimum and greater or including the maximum and lesser. For example:

"1-" matches 1 and greater. So would match 1, 2, 6, 345, etc.

"-5" matches 5 and less. So would match 5, 3, 1, 0, etc.

  • > (greater than). Matches numeric values only. Specifies any value "greater than". For example:

">7" would match all values greater than 7.

  • < (less than). Matches numeric values only. Specifies any value "less than". For example:

"<12" would match all values less than 12.

  • >= (greater than or equal to). Matches numeric values only. Specifies any value "greater than or equal to". For example:

"=>7" would match all values 7 and greater.

  • <= (less than or equal to). Matches numeric values only. Specifies any value "less than or equal to". For example:

"=<12" would match all values 12 and less.

  • = (equal). Matches numeric values only. For numeric values, allows you to match a negative value. For example:

"=-5 " would match "-5" instead of being evaluated as the "half open range" as described above.


  • "!dell" matches all values that do not contain the string "dell".
  • "!^micro" would match all values that do not start with "micro".
  • "!fer$" would match all values that do not end with "fer".
  • "!^$" would match all values that are not null.
  • "!^" would match null values.
  • "!$" would match null values.
  • "!*" would match null values.
  • "happy, !dell" would match values that contain "happy" OR values that do not contain "dell".
  • "aio$". Matches only text that ends with "aio".
  • "^shu". Matches only text that begins with "shu".
  • "^silo$". Matches only the text "silo", with no characters before or after.
  • "!silo". Matches only text that does not contains the characters "silo".
  • "!^silo". Matches only text that does not start with "silo".
  • "!0$". Matches only text that does not end with "0".
  • "!^silo$". Matches only text that is not the exact text "silo", with no characters before or after.
  • "!^". Matches null values, typically represented as "--" in most pages.
  • "!$". Matches null values, typically represented as "--" in most pages.
  • "!^$". Matches all text that is not null.
  • silo, !aggr". Matches text that contains the characters "silo" and also text that does not contain "aggr".
  • "silo, 02, !aggr". Matches text that contains "silo" and also text that contains "02" and also text that does not contain "aggr".
  • "silo, 02, !aggr, !01". Matches text that contains "silo" and also text that contains "02" and also text that does not contain "aggr" and also text that does not contain "01".
  • "^s*i*l*o$". Matches text that contains the letter "s", "i", "l", "o", in that order. Other letters might lie between these letters. For example "sXiXlXo" would match.
  • "!^s*i*l*o$". Matches all text that does not that contains the letter "s", "i", "l", "o", in that order. Other letters might lie between these letters. For example "sXiXlXo" would not match.
  • "!vol&!silo". Matches text that does not contain "vol" AND also does not contain "silo". For example, "volume" would match, because it contains "vol" but not "silo".
  • "!vol&02". Matches text that does not contain "vol" AND also contains "02". For example, "happy02" would match, because it does not contain "vol' and it does contain "02".
  • "aggr,!vol&02". Matches text that contains "aggr" OR text that does not contain "vol" AND also contains "02".
  • "aggr,!vol&!infra". Matches text that contains "aggr" OR text that does not contain "vol" AND does not contain "infra".
  • "*". Matches all text.
  • "!*". Matches null values, typically represented as "--" in most pages.
  • "silo". Matches text that contains "silo".
  • " !silo ". Matches text that does not contain "silo".
  • " !^silo$ ". Matches all text except the text "silo", with no characters before or after.
  • "-3,7-8,11,24,50-". Matches numbers 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 24, 50, and all numbers greater than 50.
  • "-3,7-8,11,24,50-,a". Matches numbers 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 24, 50, and all numbers greater than 50, and text that includes "a".
  • "?n". Matches text that contains any single character and the character "n". For example, this string would match "an", "bn", "cn", "1n", and "2n".
  • "n*SAN". Matches text the contains "n", zero or any number of any characters and then "SAN". For example, the string would match "nSAN", and "nhamburgerSAN".
  • "^?n*SAN$”. Matches text that begins with any single character, is following by "n", and then zero or any number of any characters, and ends in "SAN".

Custom View

You can save a filtered list of events created with When you do so, you are creating a custom view. You can then return to the page at any time and display the custom view, without having to filter the list again.

To save a custom view:

  1. Go to page.
  2. Using , filter the list of events.
  3. In the Custom View drop-down field, select new custom view.
  4. Click the Save button.
  5. You will be prompted to enter a name for the new custom view.
  6. The new custom view now appears in the Custom View drop-down list.
  7. To edit the custom view, select it from the Custom View drop-down list, make changes with the Global Search tool and then click the Save button for the custom view to save your changes.
  8. To display the custom view, select it from the Custom View drop-down list.
  9. To delete the custom view, select it from the Custom View drop-down field and then click the Delete button. The custom view will no longer appear in the Custom View drop-down list.

Responding to Events

When events occur, there are multiple ways you can respond to them:

  • Acknowledge. Lets other users know that you are aware of an event and are working on a response.
  • Add a Note. Adds additional text to an event. Notes can be displayed in the Event Console page and can be included in automation actions.
  • Clear. Removes an instance of an event from the Event Console. The cleared instance is no longer displayed.

Acknowledging One or More Events

The Event Console page in the classic user interface allows you to acknowledge new events as they are detected by the system. Acknowledging an event lets other users know that you are aware of the event and working to resolve it.

When an event has been acknowledged, the acknowledging user's name appears in the Acknowledged column. This lets other users know that someone is investigating or taking action on the event.

NOTE: To acknowledge an event, accounts of type "user" must be granted one or more access keys that include the following access hooks: Events/Event:View and Event: Acknowledge. Accounts of type "user" will then be able to view and acknowledge events in the same organization(s) as the user. For more information on Access Keys, see the section on Access Keys.

When you acknowledge a parent event, all masked events under that parent event are also acknowledged. For more information about parent/child events and masked events, see

To acknowledge a single event:

  1. Go to the Events tab in the classic user interface.
  2. In , find the event you want to acknowledge and click on the gray checkmark icon () in the Acknowledged column for that event.
  3. A red checkmark icon () and your username will appear in the Acknowledged column for that event.
  4. You can also acknowledge an event that has already been acknowledged by another user. To do this, click on the red checkmark icon (). Your username will now appear in the Acknowledged column for that event, replacing the username of the person who previously acknowledged the event.

To acknowledge multiple events:

  1. In , select the checkbox in the far right column for each event that you want to acknowledge.

  1. For each acknowledged event, a red checkmark icon () and your username will appear in the Acknowledged column.

NOTE: Users cannot unacknowledge an event. Another person can acknowledge the event to change the name associated with the acknowledged event, but you cannot remove an acknowledgment.

Adding a Note About an Event

You can add brief notes to an event in . Each note will appear in the Note column for an event. SL1 does not keep a historical record of each note.

NOTE: A note can be included in an action policy by using the %_user_note variable. For details on creating automation policies and action policies, see the sections on automation policies and action policies.

To create or edit a note for an event:

  1. In , find the event to which you want to add a note.
  2. In the Note column for that event, click on the wrench icon ().
  3. In the Add a Note modal page, enter the note text. Click Save to save the note.
  4. The new or edited text appears in the Note column for the event.

Adding a Note to Multiple Events

You can add a brief note to multiple events simultaneously and/or overwrite existing notes for multiple events. The note will appear in the Note column for each event and in the Note field in the Event Information page for each event. SL1 does not keep a historical record of each note.

NOTE: A note can be included in an action policy by using the %_user_note variable. For details on creating automation policies and action policies, see the sections on automation policies and action policies.

To create or edit a note for multiple events:

  1. In , find the events for which you want to add a note and/or overwrite the existing note.
  2. For each event that you want to add and/or edit a note, select the checkbox in the last column.
  3. In the Select Action drop-down field, select Add/Update Event Note, then click the Go button.
  4. In the Add a Note modal page, enter the text for the note. Click the Save button.
  5. The new or edited text appears in the Note column for each selected event.

Clearing One or More Events

When you clear an event, you remove only a single instance of the event from the current display in . If the event occurs again on the same entity, it will reappear in .

NOTE: To clear an event, accounts of type "user" must be granted one or more access keys that include the following access hooks: Events/Event:View and Event: Clear. Accounts of type "user" will then be able to view and clear events in the same organization(s) as the user. For more information on access hooks, see the section on Access Permissions.

To clear an event:

  1. Go to the Events tab.
  2. In , select the checkbox for each event you want to clear. To select all events in an organization, click the checkmark icon above each organization's group of events.
  1. When you successfully clear an event, it will no longer appear in .

NOTE: The Event Clearing Mode option in the Behavior Settings page (System > Settings > Behavior) affects how rolled up events and suppressed events can be cleared. For details, see the section on System Settings that Affect Events.

Global Event Console Preferences

You can change the look-and-feel of the Global Event Console in the Global Event Console Preferences page. To access the Global Event Console Preferences page, click the Preferences menu:

The following fields appear in the Global Event Console Preferences page. To change your preferences, edit the values in one or more of these fields and then click the Save button:

  • Console Refresh Rate. Select how often the Global Event Console page is refreshed. Options range from 10 seconds to 60 minutes.
  • Default Severity Filter. Select the minimum event severity that you want to display in the Global Event Console page. Only events of the selected severity and greater will appear in the Global Event Console page. Options include:

  • Healthy. Displays all events, including events with a severity of Healthy.
  • Notice. Displays all events with a severity of Notice, Major, Minor, and Critical.
  • Minor. Displays all events with a severity of Minor, Major, and Critical.
  • Major. Displays all events with a severity of Major and Critical.
  • Critical. Displays all events with a severity of Critical.

  • Table Row Height. Affects the row height of all pages that display a table in the main content pane. You can also change this setting in the system Account Preferences page, the Ticket Console Preferences page, and the user Account Preferences page. Changing the setting for row height in the current page, the system Account Preferences page, the Ticket Console Preferences page, or the user Account Preferences page affects the row height in all pages that display a table in the main content pane. Choices are:
  • Small. Sets row height to 17 px and font size to 11 px.

  • Medium. Sets row height to 27 px and font size to 12 px.
  • Large. Sets row height to 35 px and font size to 13 px.
  • Global View. If you select this checkbox, the Global Event Console page displays active events from all stacks from which Global Manager is aggregating data. If you do not select this checkbox, the Global Event Console page displays only local events that are active in the Global Manager system.
  • Group by Organization. If you select this checkbox, events will be grouped by organization. The filter-while-you-type fields and the Advanced Filter Tool will appear for each organization grouping and will act only on the events in that organization grouping. You will not be able to apply a single filter to events in multiple organizations.
  • Show Masked Events. If you select this checkbox, all events that have been grouped together with a device's Event Mask setting will be displayed in the Global Event Console page. If you do not select this checkbox, these events are grouped together and rolled-up under the event with the highest severity and you can click on the magnifying-glass icon () to view the masked events.

  • Show Severity Badges. If you select this checkbox:
  • The value in the Severity column will be displayed as a color-coded badge in the Global Event Console page and the Ticket Console page.

  • The value in the Current State column will be displayed as a color-coded badge in the Device Manager page.

If you do not select the Show Severity Badges checkbox:

  • In the Global Event Console page, the value in the Event Message column and the value in the Severity column will be painted with the severity color.

  • In the Ticket Console page, the value in the Description column and the Severity column will be painted with the severity color.
  • In the Device Manager page, the value in the Device Name column and the value in the Current State column will be painted with the severity color.
  • Collapse All Organizations. If you select this checkbox, all organizations with assigned events will be displayed but will be contracted; the Global Event Console page will display only a list of contracted organizations, which can be expanded by clicking on the plus sign (+). The default behavior of SL1 is to expand each organization and display the list of events for each organization.
  • Event Console Columns. In this list, select the columns that you want to display by default in the Global Event Console page.

NOTE: You can also edit the list of columns to display in the Global Event Console page from the Account Preferences page. When you edit the list of columns in the Account Preferences page, the selected list of columns automatically updates in the Event Console Preferences modal page, and vice versa.