Viewing Events

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You can view a list of all events in SL1 or view a list of events for a single device. This section describes how to perform both tasks.

Use the following menu options to navigate the SL1 user interface:

  • To view a pop-out list of menu options, click the menu icon ().
  • To view a page containing all of the menu options, click the Advanced menu icon ().

Viewing the List of Events

The Events page displays a list of currently active events, from critical to healthy. From this page you can acknowledge, clear, and view more information about an event. You can also view events by organization to focus on only the events that are relevant to you.

By default, the events listed on the Events page are sorted by severity, highest to lowest, and then secondarily sorted by the events' last occurrences, most recent to least recent. This ensures that the most severe and most recent events appear at the top of the page. If you prefer, you can change the sorting preferences and SL1 will recall those changes the next time you return to the Events page.

To navigate to the Events inventory page, click the Events icon ():

You can search for one or more related events by typing search criteria in the Search field at the top of the Events page. After you create a search, you can save that search to use later. For more information, see Using Basic Search andSaving a Search.

You can filter the items on this inventory page by typing filter text or selecting filter options in one or more of the filters found above the columns on the page. For more information, see Filtering Inventory Pages.

To rearrange the columns in the list, click and drag the column name to a new location. You can adjust the width of a column by clicking and dragging the right edge of the column. For more information about editing and adding columns, see Editing the Settings for an Inventory Page.

You can adjust the size of the rows and the size of the row text on this inventory page. For more information, see the section on Adjusting the Row Density.

For each event, the Events page displays the following information:

  • Organization. The organization with which the event is associated. Click the organization hyperlink to view more information about the organization. You can optionally filter the list of events so that only events for a specific organization appear on the Events page; for more information, see the section Filtering Events by Organization and Service.
  • Severity. The severity of the event. Possible values are:
  • Critical. Indicates a condition that can seriously impair or curtail service and requires immediate attention (for example, service or system outages).

  • Major. Indicates a condition that impacts service and requires immediate investigation.

  • Minor. Indicates a condition that does not currently impair service, but the condition needs to be corrected before it becomes more severe.

  • Notice. Indicates a condition that users should be aware of, but the condition does not affect service.

  • Healthy. Indicate that a device or condition has returned to a healthy state. Frequently, a healthy event is generated after a problem has been fixed.

    You can optionally filter the list of events so that only events of a specific severity level appear on the Events page; for more information, see the section Filtering Events by Severity.

  • Name. The name of the entity associated with the event. Click the name hyperlink to view more information about the entity.

  • Message. The message generated for the event. Click the message hyperlink to go to the Event Investigator, where you can view more information about the event, including a description, its probable cause, and possible resolutions, among other details. You can also view the Event Investigator page by clicking the Actions button () for the event and selecting View Event.

    On the Events page in SL1, suggestions and alerts from Skylar Automated RCA have a Skylar Automated RCA icon () next to the Message text in the list of events.

  • Last Detected. The date and time at which the event last occurred on the entity.

  • Age. The number of days, hours, and minutes since the first occurrence of the event. This is also the time since the event occurred without the event having been cleared.

  • Ticket ID. The ticket ID of the ticket that has been created for the event, if applicable.

  • Count. The number of times the event has occurred.

  • Event Note. Click the Note icon () to view any existing user-defined notes about the event or to create or edit a note about the event. When you do so, the Edit Event Note modal page appears, where you can create or edit a note and save your changes. For more information, see Viewing and Editing Event Notes.

    You can also view, create, or edit event notes by clicking the Actions button () for the event and selecting Edit Event Note.

  • Masked Events. If the event has occurred multiple times on the same device that uses the event mask setting, click the masked events icon () to go to the Masked Events Overview modal, where you can view details about the masked events. For more information, see the section Filtering for Masked Events.

  • Automated Actions. The number of times the event has triggered the execution of an automation policy. If the event has triggered one or more automated actions, click the number hyperlink to go to the Event Actions Log, where you can view a log of all automated actions that have occurred for the event. For more information, see the section Viewing Automated Actions.

    You can also view the Event Actions Log modal page by clicking the Actions button () for the event and selecting View Automation Actions.

  • Event Source. The system or application that generated this event. Possible values are:
  • Syslog. The event was generated from a system log generated by a device.
  • Internal. The event was generated by SL1.
  • Trap. The event was generated by an SNMP trap.
  • Dynamic. The event was generated by a Dynamic Application collecting data from the device.
  • API. The event was generated by a snippet Run Book Action, a snippet Dynamic Application, a request to the ScienceLogic API, or by an external system.
  • Email. The event was generated by an email from an external agent. For example, Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM).
  • SL1 agent. The event was generated by log file messages collected by the SL1 agent. For more information about creating Log File Monitoring Policies to monitor log file messages collected by the agent, see the section on Monitoring Device Logs Using an Agent.
  • Skylar Automated RCA. The event was generated by Skylar Automated RCA. For more information, see Suggestions and Root Cause Reports in the Skylar Automated RCA Product Documentation.
  • Skylar AI. The event was generated by Skylar AI.

    Event Type. The type of entity associated with the event. Possible values are:
  • Organizations
  • Devices
  • Assets
  • IP networks
  • Interfaces
  • Business Service
  • IT Services
  • Device Services
  • Vendors
  • User Accounts
  • Virtual Interfaces

  • External Ticket. The numeric ID associated with a ticket from an external ticketing system (that is, a ticket that was not created in SL1). Click the ticket reference value to view the external ticket in a new window.

    To link an external ticket to an event, you must create a custom Run Book Automation policy and a custom Run Book Action or use the ScienceLogic APIs. For help with these tasks, contact ScienceLogic Customer Care.

  • Acknowledge. If the event has not been acknowledged, this column displays an Acknowledge button; click the button to acknowledge the event. If the event has been acknowledged, this column displays a check-mark character and specifies the user who acknowledged the event. For more information, see Acknowledging and Clearing Events.
  • Clear. Click the Clear button to clear the event. When you do so, the event is removed from the Events page.

Predictive Alerting

A predictive alert is a warning about an event before it happens, based on analysis from Skylar AI

The predictive alerting feature generates events in SL1 that forecast when a future event could happen, instead of reporting on an event that has already occurred.

When your SL1 system is connected to Skylar AI, you can start viewing predictive alerts in SL1. No additional configuration is needed.

Predictive alerts display the Skylar icon () to the left of the event message in the Message column of the Events page, and the message starts with the word "Prediction":

Image of an SL1 Events page.

To view details about a predictive alert:

  1. On the Events page, click the message for a predictive alert with the Skylar icon (). The Event Investigator page for that alert appears.

  2. On the Event Investigator page, the Skylar Analytics Summary panel displays a timeline of data from Skylar AI about a specific metric:

    Image of an SL1 Event Investigator page with Skylar Analytics.

    The dotted line on the graph on the Skylar Analytics Summary panel represents a time frame in the future that Skylar AI is forecasting, based on pattern recognition.

    The blue line represents the activity observed so far by SL1, and the gray dotted line represents the threshold set in SL1.The blue dotted line represents where Skylar AI is predicting a potential alert in the future, with the gray line representing a potential problem in the future, also predicted by Skylar AI.

    In the example above, Skylar AI predicts that the file system utilization will hit the threshold of 100% in three days, on October 7th. By tracking the timeline on the graph, you can see when a potential event might happen, and you can take action now to prevent it.

    In addition, if you have an event policy monitoring a metric that is now being tracked by Predictive Alerting, you can disable that event policy.

Because the data for the chart on the Skylar Analytics Summary panel is coming from Skylar AI, you will not be able to use that data in an SL1 dashboard. Also, this chart is rendered at prediction time and is static, so that when opening an event, you can see the state and prediction at the time of prediction.

You can also review the logs for a specific device to view the history of the predictions:

  1. On the Devices page or the Events page, select the device with the predictive alerts. The Device Investigator page for that device appears.

  2. Click the Logs tab. A list of recent logs displays:

    Image of the Logs tab of the Device Investigator, showing predictive alerts.

  3. If needed, type "prediction" in the Message column to view only the predictive alerts.

Searching and Filtering the List of Events

This section explains how to filter the list of events so you can quickly locate and address any potential issues in your environment.

Filtering Events by Organization and Service

You can view events from all organizations or services, or filter down to just the organizations or services you want to monitor for events.

To view events by organization or service:

  1. On the Events page, click the View menu.
  2. Select the Group by organization and/or the Group by business service toggle. The relevant panel appears on the left with a list of events sorted by severity for each organization and/or service.

  3. On the left panel, click the check mark icon () to filter the list of events based on the organization or service you selected.

    In the right-hand panel, click the name of a service to go to the Service Investigator page for that service. Click the name of an organization to go the Organizational Summary Page for that organization.

  4. To hide the Organizations or Business Services panels, click the left arrow icon (). Click the right arrow icon () to expand the panel again.

Filtering Events by Severity

The Events page displays a list of currently active events, which can be sorted by any column, such as severity from critical to healthy. You can filter the list of events by severity by clicking one or more of the five colored buttons near the top of the Events page:

When you click a severity button, the list displays only events with the severity you selected. The severity button you clicked remains in color, while the other buttons turn gray.

To clear a severity filter, click the View All link next to the severity buttons.

To add color-coded highlights to rows on the events inventory table that correspond to the severity color of the event, click the Grid Settings () icon, select Event Table Preferences, and then toggle on Row Severity Highlighting.

The following color codes are used throughout SL1:

  • Red elements have a status of Critical. Critical conditions are those that can seriously impair or curtail service and require immediate attention (such as service or system outages).
  • Orange elements have a status of Major. Major conditions indicate a condition that is service impacting and requires immediate investigation.
  • Yellow elements have a status of Minor. Minor conditions dictate a condition that does not currently impair service, but needs to be corrected before it becomes more severe.
  • Blue elements have a status of Notice. Notice conditions indicate a condition that users should be aware of, but the condition does not affect service.
  • Green elements have a status of Healthy. Healthy conditions indicate that a device or service is operating under normal conditions. Frequently, a healthy condition occurs after a problem has been fixed.

Filtering for Masked Events

When a device uses the event mask setting, events that occur on a single device within a specified span of time are grouped together, and only the event with the highest severity is displayed on the Events page. This allows related events that occur in quick succession on a single device to be rolled-up and posted together under one event description. For example, if a device cannot connect to the network, multiple other services on the device will raise events. SL1 would display the event with the highest severity and roll up all the other events.

On the Events page, any event that contains masked events includes a masked events icon () in the Masked Events column:

To add the Masked Events column from the table on the Events page, click the Grid Settings () icon, select Event Table Preferences, and then toggle on View Event Masking. To remove the Masked Events column, toggle off View Event Masking. If you remove the Masked Events column, any events that would have appeared on this table will now appear in the main event console.

To view more information about masked events:

  1. On the Events page, click the masked events icon () in the Masked Events column for the relevant event. The Masked Events Overview modal for that event appears.
  2. The Masked Events Overview modal includes the following details about the masking and masked events:

  • Masking Event. This section includes information about the masking event, which is the event that appears on the Events page.
  • Masked Events. This section includes information about the masked events, which are related events that are configured to be maskable and grouped together under the masking event if they occur within a specified period of time.

Viewing Additional Data about an Event

On the Events page and the Devices page, you can click the Open icon () next to an event or device to open a Device Summary modal:

NOTE: On the Events page, the Device Summary modal displays only for events that are aligned with devices.

The detail window for that device contains the Tools pane, the Vitals graphs, and the Logs pane:

  • The Tools pane enables you to run a set of diagnostic tools or user-initiated actions in the Activity Center, or to click on custom links that will open in a separate browser window. Click the search bar to search for tools, actions, or custom links that are available for the device.
  • The Vitals pane displays graph data for the past four hours of CPU usage, memory usage, and latency for that device, where relevant. You can zoom in on a shorter time frame in the Vitals graph by clicking and dragging, and you can go back to the original time span by clicking the Reset zoom button.
  • The Logs pane displays a list of events associated with that device.

To open the detail or Investigator page for an item, click the link for the item name at the top of the detail window.

Viewing Automation Actions

To view a log of automated actions that have occurred for an event, on the Events page, click the Actions button () for the event and select View Automation Actions. When you do so, the Event Actions Log modal page appears.

You can also view the Event Actions Log modal page by clicking the hyperlink in the Automated Actions column for a particular event on the Events page.

The drop-down menu from the Actions button

The Event Actions Log displays a history of all automation actions that SL1 executed in response to the event.

Each entry in the Event Actions Log modal page includes:

  • The date and time when the action was executed
  • The automation policy that triggered the action
  • The name of the action policy
  • The result of the action

Using the Event Investigator

The Event Investigator page provides details about the event as well as the device associated with the event, where relevant. The Event Investigator page includes the Event Overview, Event Policy Information, Device Details, Skylar Automated RCA Root Cause Summary, Device Logs, Tools, Event Note, Vitals widgets.

To get to the Event Investigator page, click the linked text in the Message column of the Events page, or click the Actions button () for the event and select View Event. Alternatively, you can click the ID associated with the event in the Event ID column.

The top pane of the Event Investigator page contains basic event details. From this pane, you can also acknowledge the event, clear the event, or click the Actions button () and select Create Ticket to create a ticket for that event. If an event was acknowledged by another user and you have the relevant permissions, you can click the Reacknowledge button to acknowledge that event.

On the Event Investigator page, click the name of an aligned device or service to go to the Investigator page for that device or service. When you do so, information about the event appears in a panel at the top of the page. This panel gives you the option to view conflicts and resolutions for that event.

The Event Investigator page includes the following widgets:

  • Event Overview. Displays additional information about the event, such as details about the type of event, the source of the event, the time and date the event was first detected, the number of concurrences, and more.
  • Event Policy Information. Displays information about the event policy and any descriptions associated with the event.
  • Device Details. A Consolidated widget that displays information about the device, such as the class and category the device belongs to, the type of device, the number of active events for each severity level, and more.
  • Device Logs. A list of log entries from the device's log, sorted from newest to oldest by default.
  • Tools. A set of network diagnostic tools or user-initiated actions that you can run on the device associated with the event. Click the search bar to search for a tool or action to run, or click one of the default tools or actions that are available based on the device type and your user permissions. This pane is the same as the Tools pane of the Event Drawer. For more information, see the section on Using the Action Runner.
  • Event Note. A text field where you can add new text and edit existing text related to the event and the device associated with the event. For more information, see Viewing and Editing Event Notes.
  • Vitals. A widget that displays the past 24 hours of CPU and memory usage for the device related to the event. You can zoom in on a shorter time frame by clicking and dragging, and you can go back to the original time span by clicking the Reset zoom button.
  • Skylar Analytics Summary. Displays a graph of data from Skylar AI sourced events corresponding with the event ID.
  • Skylar Automated RCA Root Cause Summary. This section uses Skylar Automated RCA machine learning on logs to automatically find the root cause of software problems. In this section, you can access the following Skylar Automated RCA features:
    • Word Cloud. A set of relevant words chosen by the Skylar AI from the log lines contained in the alert. Hover your mouse over a word in the cloud to view that word's severity and occurrence count. For more information on this feature, see Skylar Automated RCA Key Concepts.
    • Alert Key. One or two log lines, denoted with a key icon, that are used to identify the suggestion if this type of suggestion occurs again. The alert keys make up an alert rule. For more information on this feature, see Skylar Automated RCA Key Concepts.
    • Other Impacted Devices. Includes the Device Names for other devices potentially impacted by root cause. For more information on this feature, see Skylar Automated RCA Key Concepts.

    To view the full Root Cause report in Skylar Automated RCA, click the View Full Root Cause Report in Skylar Automated RCA button to open Skylar Automated RCA in another window.

  • NOTE: For SL1 12.2.0, you will need to set up the connection between Skylar Automated RCA and SL1. For more information on how to do this, see Configuring the Skylar Connector for SL1.

Using the Action Runner

You can access the Action Runner from either the Events page or the Event Investigator page. The Action Runner enables you to run a set of diagnostic tools or user-initiated actions, or to click on custom links that will open related records in external systems in a separate browser window.

NOTE: The tools and actions that are available in the Action Runner are based on the device type and your user permissions, as determined by your organization assignment and access hooks. For example, if a device does not have an IP address, only the Availability tool will be available.

NOTE: For more information about user-initiated actions, see the section on User-Initiated Automations.

To use the Action Runner:

  1. Access the Action Runner for events in one of the following ways:
  • On the Action Runner page, open the Event Drawer for a particular event. Click the search bar in the Tools pane.
  • On the Action Runner page, click the search bar in the Tools pane.
  • Click the Activity button in the navigation bar at the top of any page in SL1. Click the search bar.
  1. When you click the search bar, a list displays the default tools, actions, or custom links that are available for the selected device. Click one of these tools, actions, or custom links, or use the search bar to search for a tool or action that is not listed. The following default tools are available in the Action Runner:
  • Availability. Displays the results of an availability check of the device, using the port and protocol specified in the Availability Port and Availability Protocol fields on the Settings tab for this device.

  • Ping. Displays statistics returned by the ping tool. The ping tool sends a packet to the device's IP address (the one used by SL1 to communicate with the device) and waits for a reply. SL1 then displays the number of seconds it took to receive a reply from the device and the number of bytes returned from the device. If the device has an IPv6 address, SL1 uses the appropriate IPv6 ping command.

  • Who Is. Displays information about the device's IP, including the organization that registered the IP and contacts within that organization.

  • Port Scan. Displays a list of all open ports on the device at the time of the scan.

  • Deep Port Scan. Displays a list of all open ports and as much detail about each open port as the deep port scanner can retrieve.

  • ARP Lookup. Displays a list of IP addresses for the device and the resolved Ethernet physical address (MAC address) for each IP address.

  • ARP Ping. Displays the results from the ARP Ping tool. The ARP Ping tool is similar in function to ping, but it uses the ARP protocol instead of ICMP. The ARP Ping tool can be used only on the local network.

  • Trace Route. Displays the network route between SL1 and the device. The tool provides details on each hop to the endpoint. If the device has an IPv6 address, SL1 uses the appropriate IPv6 traceroute command.

    The tools found in the Action Runner can also be found in the Device Toolbox in the classic SL1 user interface.

  1. If you clicked a custom link, the link opens in a new browser window or tab. If you clicked on a tool or action, then as it runs, its progress and results appear in a log in the Activity Center.
  2. After the tool or action has run, if you want to run it again, click the Run Again button. This button appears only for activities completed during your current session.

The Activity Center

The left pane of the Activity Center displays a list of devices for which you have most recently used the Action Runner, with the current device at the top of the list. To use the Action Runner for any of the other recently used devices or to view historical logs for the tools or actions that have been run on those devices, click on the device name.

Viewing Events for a Single Device

On the Events tab of the Device Investigator, you can view a list of events associated with the device.

The Events tab of the Device Investigator page

To rearrange the columns in the list, click and drag the column name to a new location. You can adjust the width of a column by clicking and dragging the right edge of the column. For more information about editing and adding columns, see Editing the Settings for an Inventory Page.

You can adjust the size of the rows and the size of the row text on this inventory page. For more information, see the section on Adjusting the Row Density.

You can toggle between Active events and Cleared events by using the drop-down to the left of the Search field. On this tab, you can also acknowledge and clear an event if you have permission for those actions.

For each event, the Events tab displays the following information:

  • Event ID. The unique ID for the event, generated by SL1. The ID appears as a hyperlink. To view the Event Investigator page for the event, click the ID hyperlink. For more information about the Event Investigator page, see the section on Using the Event Investigator.
  • Severity. The severity of the event. Possible values are:
  • Critical
  • Major
  • Minor
  • Notice
  • Healthy
  • Message. The message generated for the event. The message appears as a hyperlink. To view the Event Investigator page for the event, click the Message hyperlink. For more information about the Event Investigator page, see the section on Using the Event Investigator.

  • Age. The amount of time (in days, hours, and minutes) since the event first occurred or since its last occurrence without having been cleared.

  • Ticket ID. If a ticket has been created for the event, this column displays the ticket ID of that ticket.

  • Count. The number of times this event has occurred, the number of child events associated with the event, or the number of masked events associated with the event.

  • Last Detected. The date and time at which the event last occurred on the device.

  • External Ticket. The numeric ID associated with a ticket from an external ticketing system (that is, a ticket that was not created in SL1). If this field displays a value, you can click on that value to spawn a new window and view the external ticket.

    NOTE: To link an external ticket to an event, you must create a custom Run Book Automation policy and a custom Run Book Action or use the ScienceLogic APIs. For help with these tasks, contact ScienceLogic Customer Care.

  • Event Note. A user-defined note to accompany the event. To create or edit a note, click the Note icon (). The Edit Event Note window appears, where you can create or edit a note and save your changes.
  • Acknowledge. If the event has been acknowledged, this column displays a check mark and the username of the user who acknowledged the event. If the event has not yet been acknowledged, this column displays an Acknowledge button; click the Acknowledge button to acknowledge the event. When you acknowledge an event, you let other users know that you are aware of that event and are working on a response.
  • Clear. Click the Clear button to clear the event. When you clear an event, you let other users know that this event has been addressed. Clearing an event removes a single instance of the event from the Events tab. If the same event occurs again on the same device, it will reappear in the Events tab, even if you have previously cleared that event.

  • Event Source. The system or application that generated this event. Possible values are:
  • Syslog. Event was generated from a system log generated by a device.
  • Email. Event was generated by an email from an external agent. For example, Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM).
  • Internal. Event was generated by SL1.
  • Trap. Event was generated by an SNMP trap.
  • Dynamic. Event was generated by a Dynamic Application collecting data from the device.
  • API. Event was generated by a snippet Run Book Action, a snippet Dynamic Application, a request to the ScienceLogic API, or by an external system.
  • SL1 agent. Message is generated by log file messages collected by the SL1 agent. For more information about creating Log File Monitoring Policies to monitor log file messages collected by the agent, see the section on Monitoring Device Logs Using an Agent.
  • Skylar Automated RCA. Event was generated by a Skylar Automated RCA. You can view Skylar Automated RCA events, including suggestions, custom alerts, and accepted alerts. You can also filter the contents of the Events tab by Skylar Automated RCA events, active events, and cleared events.

  • Masked Events. If the event has occurred multiple times on the same device that uses the event mask setting, click the masked events icon () to open the Masked Events Overview modal, where you can view details about the masked events. For more information, see the section Filtering for Masked Events.
  • Automated Actions. The number of times the event has triggered the execution of an automation policy. If the event has triggered one or more automated actions, click the number hyperlink to go to the Event Actions Log, where you can view a log of all automated actions that have occurred for the event. For more information, see the section Viewing Automation Actions.
  • You can also view the Event Actions Log modal page by clicking the Actions button () for the event and selecting View Automation Actions.

Clicking the Actions menu () next to an event gives you the following options, based on your permissions:

  • View Event. Navigates to the Event Investigator page for that event.
  • Edit Event Note. Lets you update the Note associated with this event.
  • Create Ticket. Opens a new ticket in the SL1 Ticket Editor, if you are using SL1 for your ticketing.
  • Edit Ticket. Opens an existing ticket in the SL1 Ticket Editor, if you are using SL1 for your ticketing.
  • Create External Ticket. Creates a new ticket for the event if you are using an external ticketing system instead of SL1.
  • View Event Policy. Opens the Event Policy page for the policy aligned with this event.
  • View Device Thresholds. Opens the Device Thresholds page for the device on which the event occurred.
  • Suppress Event for this Device. Suppresses the current event on the current device. When you suppress an event, you are specifying that in the future, if this event occurs again on the same device, the event will not appear in
  • View Automation Actions. Displays a log of automations that have occurred for that event. This option is hidden if the event does not have any automation actions aligned to it.

Event Throttling

When SL1 detects syslog messages or traps coming from a single device at a rate greater than 25 messages per second, SL1 throttles the messages.

When SL1 throttles messages from a single IP address, those messages are deleted from the ScienceLogic database. The messages are not passed to the event engine, are not logged, and are not processed as events.

When SL1 throttles messages, SL1 also triggers events:

  • Event with a Severity of Critical and the message "Inbound Message Flood". This event is triggered when a single IP exceeds the threshold of syslog messages or trap messages at least once per minute for the last ten minutes. The default threshold is 25 messages per second.
  • Event with a Severity of Notice and the message "Inbound Message Spikes". This event is triggered when a single IP exceeds the threshold of syslog messages or trap message. The default threshold is 25 messages per second.

Message throttling is enabled by default. To disable message throttling, contact ScienceLogic Customer Support.

To adjust the threshold for message throttling, contact ScienceLogic Customer Support.

To whitelist an IP address so that message throttling does not apply to that IP, contact ScienceLogic Customer Support.

NOTE: SL1 does not support message throttling on IPv6 devices monitored by CentOS5 Data Collectors.

Viewing Events from the Event Console in the Classic SL1 User Interface

The Event Console page in the classic user interface includes the following tools for searching and filtering the list of events that is displayed in the page:

  • The Global Search drop-down list and field in the upper left allows you to filter the entire list of events by one of the columns or by device group ID or device group name.
  • The filter-while-you-type fields allow you to filter the list of events by one or more of the event parameters.
  • You can access the Advanced Filter Tool, where you can enter more complex filters, based on your current configuration of SL1 (for example, for the Acknowledged field, you can search for multiple usernames).
  • You can save the results of a Global Search as a Custom View.

NOTE: The settings in the Account Preferences page (Preferences > Account > Preferences) and in the Event Console Preferences page (Events > Actions > Console Preferences) affect the scope of the filter-while-you-type fields and the Advanced Filter Tool. If you select the Group by Organization checkbox in the Account Preferences page or the Event Console Preferences page, events in the Event Console will be grouped by organization. The filter-while-you-type fields and the advanced filter tool will appear for each organization grouping and will act only on the events in that organization grouping. You will not be able to apply a single filter to events in multiple organizations.

To view the Event Console page, accounts of type "user" must be granted one or more access keys that includes the following access hook: Events/Event:View. Accounts of type "user" will then be able to view events that have the same organization as the user. For more information on Access Keys, see the section on Access Keys.

To view a list of all active events, click the Events tab. The Event Console page is displayed.

Each event is color-coded to make it easy for you to determine severity:

Color Severity Description
Red Critical Critical Events indicate a condition that can seriously impair or curtail service and requires immediate attention (i.e., service or system outages).
Orange Major Major Events indicate a condition that impacts service and requires immediate investigation.
Yellow Minor Minor Events indicate a condition that does not currently impair service, but the condition needs to be corrected before it becomes more severe.
Blue Notice Notice Events indicate a condition that users should be aware of but does not affect service.
Green Healthy

Healthy Events indicate that a device or condition has returned to a healthy state. Frequently, a healthy event is generated after a problem has been fixed.

Events in the Event Console are rolled up. This means that if the same event occurs multiple times on a single device, you will see only one entry in the Event Console and the value in the Count column will indicate the number of times the event has occurred.

NOTE: The settings in the Account Preferences page (Preferences > Account > Preferences) and in the Event Console Preferences page (Events > Actions > Console Preferences) affect the display in the Event Console page.

If you select the Group by Organization checkbox in the Account Preferences page or the Event Console Preferences page:

  • Events in the Event Console will be grouped by organization.
  • The filter-while-you-type fields will appear for each organization grouping and will act only on the events in that organization grouping. You will not be able to apply a single filter to events in multiple organizations.
  • The advanced filter tool will appear for each organization grouping and will act only on the events in that organization grouping. You will not be able to apply a single advanced filter to events in multiple organizations.

The Event Console displays a legend, showing the number of events of each severity.

  • If you select the Group by Organization checkbox in the Account Preferences page (Preferences > Account > Preferences) or in the Event Console Preferences page (Events > Actions > Console Preferences), the Event Console displays the legend for each organization.
  • If you did not select the Group by Organization checkbox, the Event Console displays the legend for all events in all organizations (that you are allowed to view).

  • For each severity, the legend indicates the number of events displayed on the current page. The second number, in parentheses, indicates the additional number of events with the same severity that are not displayed in the current page. These additional events either display on a subsequent page or do not display because of the current filters applied to the page or because of the setting in the Default Severity Filter field in the Account Preferences page (Preferences > Account > Preferences) and in the Event Console Preferences page. For example, "3 (+7) Healthy" means that the current page displays three events with a severity of "Healthy" and that seven more events with a severity of "Healthy" exist but are not displayed in the current page.

Events that Are Not Displayed in the Event Console

In SL1, there are four types of events that might not be displayed in the Event Console:

  • Rolled-up events. Multiple occurrences of the same event on the same device. When the same event occurs multiple times on a single device, SL1 does not display each occurrence in the Event Console. Instead, SL1 displays a single entry and notes the number of occurrences in the Count column.

  • Suppressed Events. Suppressed events do not appear in the Event Console.

    For more information about suppressed events, see the section on Suppressing an Event.

  • Topology Events. In SL1, event correlation or topology suppression means the ability to build parent-child relationships between events and to create categories for events. When events are correlated, only the parent event is displayed in the Event Console page. The child events are rolled up under the parent event and are not displayed in the Event Console page. For the parent event, the value in the Count column will be incremented to indicate the number of correlated child events. The magnifying-glass icon () appears to the left of the event. When you click on the magnifying-glass icon, the Event Console page expands the event to display the child event(s).

    For more information Topology Events, see the section on Event Correlation.

  • Event Masks. In the Device Properties page for each device, you can define an Event Mask. When a device uses the Event Mask setting, all events that occur on a single device within a specified span of time are grouped together. In the Event Console, masked events are displayed under a single event, the one with the highest severity. The magnifying-glass icon () appears to the left of the event. When you click on the magnifying-glass icon, the Suppression Group modal page is displayed. This page displays details about all events that are masked under the displayed event.

    For more information Event Masks, see the section on Event Masks.

Information About Each Displayed Event

For each event, the Event Console can display the following information:

By default, the list of events is displayed from newest to oldest. To sort the list of events, click on a column heading. The list will be sorted by the column value, in ascending order. To sort by descending order, click the column heading again. You can sort this way in both normal mode and kiosk mode.

  • Report Icon. Icon that leads you to more information about the element or policy associated with the event.
  • Organization. Appears only if you have not selected the Group by Organization checkbox in the Account Preferences page (Preferences > Account > Preferences) and in the Event Console Preferences page (Events > Actions > Console Preferences). Specifies the organization that the event is associated with.
  • Name. Name of the entity associated with the event.
  • Type. Type of entity associated with the event. The possible options are:

  • Organizations
  • Devices
  • Assets
  • IP networks
  • Interfaces
  • IT Services
  • Vendors
  • User Accounts
  • Virtual Interfaces

  • Event Message. Message generated for the event.
  • Severity. Severity of the event. Possible values are:
  • Critical
  • Major
  • Minor
  • Notice
  • Healthy
  • Acknowledged. If the event has been acknowledged, this column displays a red check-mark character and specifies the user who acknowledged the event. If the event has not been acknowledged, this field displays a gray check-mark character. To acknowledge an event, click in this column.
  • Note. User-defined note to accompany the event. To create or edit a note, select the wrench icon () in this column. The Add a Note modal page appears, where you can create or edit a note and save your changes.
  • Ticket. If a ticket has been created for the event, this column displays the ticket ID of that ticket.
  • External Ticket. The numeric ID associated with a ticket from an external ticketing system (that is, a ticket that was not created in SL1). If this field displays a value, you can click on that value to spawn a new window and view the external ticket.
  • NOTE: To link an external ticket to an event, you must create a custom Run Book Automation policy and a custom Run Book Action or use the ScienceLogic APIs. For help with these tasks, contact ScienceLogic Customer Care.

  • Age/Elapsed . Number of days, hours, and minutes since the first occurrence of the event. This is also the time since the event occurred without the event having been cleared.
  • Last Detected. Date and time the event last occurred on this entity.
  • EID. Unique ID for the event, generated by SL1.

  • Source. System or application that generated this event. Choices are:
  • Syslog. Event was generated from a system log generated by a device.
  • Email. Event was generated by an email from an external agent. For example, Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM).
  • Internal. Event was generated by SL1.
  • Trap. Event was generated by an SNMP trap.
  • Dynamic. Event was generated by a Dynamic Application collecting data from the device.
  • API. Event was generated by a snippet Run Book Action, a snippet Dynamic Application, a request to the ScienceLogic API, or by an external system.
  • SL1 agent. Message is generated by log file messages collected by the SL1 agent. For more information about creating Log File Monitoring Policies to monitor log file messages collected by the agent, see the section on Monitoring Device Logs Using an Agent. .

  • Count. Number of times this event has occurred or number of child events associated with the event or number of masked events associated with the event.
  • Notify. Number of times the event has triggered the execution of an Automation Policy.
  • Information icon (). Displays the Event Information page, where you can view an overview of the selected event, suppress the selected event, or edit the definition of the selected event.
  • View Notifications icon (). Leads to the Event Actions Log, where you can view details about each automation policy that has triggered for the event.

  • Ticket icon (). Depending upon the setting Ticket Life Ring Button Behavior (found in System > Settings > Behavior), one of the following will happen:
  • The Ticket Editor page appears. If a ScienceLogic ticket is already aligned with this event, you can view details about the ticket. If a ScienceLogic ticket is not yet aligned with this event, you can define a ticket and the SL1 system will automatically associate the new ticket with the selected event.

  • If an external ticket is aligned with an event, when you select the life-ring icon () for that event (from the Event Console), SL1 spawns a new window and displays the external ticket (as specified in the force_ticket_uri field). If an external ticket is not yet aligned with an event, when you select the life-ring icon () for that event, SL1 sets a "request" flag for the ticket and displays an acknowledgment that a new ticket has been requested. You can then use the "request" in run book logic, to create the ticket on the external system.

Global Search Field

The Global Search field in the upper left of the page allows you to filter the entire list of displayed events by a single parameter. SL1 will update the Event Console and display only events that have a matching parameter.

To use the Global Search field, enter values in the Search drop-down list and the Text field:

  • Search. You can select one of the following search parameters:
  • Organization. Appears only if you have not selected the Group by Organization checkbox in the Account Preferences page (Preferences > Account > Preferences) or in the Event Console Preferences page (Events > Actions > Console Preferences). Name of the organization associated with the event.

  • Name. Name of the entity associated with the event.
  • Type. Type of entity associated with the event.
  • Event Message. Message generated for the event.
  • Severity. Severity of the event.
  • Acknowledged. If the event has been acknowledged, search for the user who acknowledged the event.
  • Note. User-defined note associated with the event.
  • Ticket. If a ticket has been created for the event, this parameter searches by the ticket ID of that ticket.
  • External Ticket. The numeric ID associated with a ticket from an external ticketing system (that is, a ticket that was not created in SL1).
  • Age/Elapsed. You can enter time in seconds, and the Event Console page will display only events that last occurred within that number of seconds or less.
  • Event ID. Unique ID for the event, generated by SL1.
  • Source. System or application that generated this event.
  • Count. Number of times this event has occurred.
  • Notify. Number of times the event has triggered the execution of an Automation Policy.
  • Device Group ID. Unique ID for the device group associated with the event.
  • Device Group Name. Name of the device group associated with the event.
  • Text. For each search parameter, you must enter text to match. SL1 will search for events that match the text, including partial matches. Text matches are not case-sensitive. You can use special characters in each filter.

To perform another search on the results of the previous search:

  1. Select the plus-sign (+) to the left of the Refresh Timer.

  1. This adds another Search field and Text field to the top of the page. This second search will search only the results from the first search.
  2. You can add as many Search and Text fields as you need.

NOTE: You can save the results of a Global Search as a custom view.

Filter While You Type

The Event Console page includes a filter for each column you selected to display, except Age/Elapsed. You can specify one or more parameters to filter the display of events. Only events that meet all the filter criteria will be displayed in the Event Console.

You can filter by one or more parameters. The list of events is dynamically updated as you select each filter.

NOTE: To return to the default list of events, click the Reset button.

To access the Filter-While-You-Type feature in the Event Console:

  1. Go to the Event Console page.
  2. The settings in the Account Preferences page (Preferences > Account > Preferences) and in the Event Console Preferences page (Events > Actions > Console Preferences) affect the scope of the filter-while-you-type fields. If you select the Group by Organization checkbox in the Account Preferences page or the Event Console Preferences page, events in the Event Console will be grouped by organization. The filter-while-you-type fields will appear for each organization grouping and will act only on the events in that organization grouping. You will not be able to apply a single filter to events in multiple organizations.
  3. If you selected the Group by Organization checkbox, find the organization for which you want to filter the list of events. Expand the list of events by clicking on the plus sign (+) next to the organization name.
  4. If you have not selected the Group by Organization checkbox, go to the top of the Event Console page.

  1. The filter-while-you-type fields are displayed in the row under the column headings.
  • For each filter except Severity , Last Detected, and Age/Elapsed, you must enter text to match against. SL1 will search for events that match the text, including partial matches. Text matches are not case-sensitive. You can use special characters in each filter.

  • Organization. Appears only if you have not selected the Group by Organization checkbox in the Account Preferences page (Preferences > Account > Preferences) or in the Event Console Preferences page (Events > Actions > Console Preferences). You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Event Console page will display only events that have a matching organization.

  • Name. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Event Console page will display only events that have a matching entity name.
  • Type. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Event Console page will display only events that have a matching entity type.
  • Event Message. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Event Console page will display only events that have a matching event message.

  • Severity. You can select a severity value, and the Event Console page will display only events that have a matching severity. Choices are:
  • >=Healthy. Will display all events with a severity greater than or equal to "Healthy". Healthy has a numeric value of "0" (zero).
  • >=Notice. Will display all events with a severity greater than or equal to "Notice". Notice has a numeric value of "1" (one).
  • >=Minor. Will display all events with a severity greater than or equal to "Minor". Minor has a numeric value of "2" (two).
  • >=Major. Will display all events with a severity greater than or equal to "Major". Major has a numeric value of "3" (three).
  • >=Critical. Will display all events with a severity greater than or equal to "Critical". Critical has a numeric value of "4" (four).

  • Acknowledged. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Event Console page will display only events that have been acknowledged by a matching user account.
  • Note. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Event Console page will display only events that have matching note text.
  • Ticket. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Event Console page will display only events that have a matching ticket ID.
  • External Ticket. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Event Console page will display only events that have a matching external ticket name or ID.
  • Age/Elapsed. You can enter time in seconds, and the Event Console page will display only events that last occurred within that number of seconds or less.
  • Last Detected. Only those events that match the specified detection date will be displayed. The choices are:
  • All. Display events from all detection dates and times.
  • Last Minute. Display only events that have been detected within the last minute.
  • Last Hour. Display only events that have been detected within the last hour.
  • Last Day. Display only events that have been detected within the last day.
  • Last Week. Display only events that have been detected within the last week.
  • Last Month. Display only events that have been detected within the last month.
  • Last Year. Display only events that have been detected within the last year.
  • EID. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Event Console page will display only events that have a matching event ID.
  • Source. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Event Console page will display only events that have a matching source.

  • Count. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Event Console page will display only events that have a matching count number.
  • Notify. You can enter text to match, including special characters, and the Event Console page will display only events that have a matching number of notifications.

Advanced Filter

On the Event Console page, you can specify one or more parameters to filter the list of events. Only events that meet all the filter criteria will be displayed.

In some fields, the Advanced Filter Tool allows you to make selections instead of manually typing in a string to use as a filter.

The settings in the Account Preferences page (Preferences > Account > Preferences) and in the Event Console Preferences page (Events > Actions > Console Preferences) affect the scope of the Advanced Filter Tool. If you select the Group by Organization checkbox in the Account Preferences page or the Event Console Preferences page:

  • Events on the Event Console page will be grouped by organization.
  • The Advanced Filter tool will appear for each organization grouping and will act only on the events in that organization grouping. You will not be able to apply a single advanced filter to events in multiple organizations.
  • The Advanced Filter tool will not allow you to filter by Organization.
  • The possible filter options will be pre-filtered by each organization. For example, suppose that for the organization named "Networking," all the events are associated with either a device or an interface. The Type filter will be pre-populated with two types: "Interface" and "Device." You can then select one or both of these options to include in your filter.

To select multiple entries in the Advanced Filter tool, hold down the <Ctrl> key and left-click the entries.

To reset each field to empty and apply no filters, select the Reset button.

For each filter except Severity and Last Detected, you must enter text to match against. SL1 will search for events that match the text, including partial matches. For the Type and Source filters, you can enter text to match against or you can select from the list of possible values. Text matches are not case-sensitive. You can use special characters in each filter.

To access the Advanced Filter Tool:

  1. Go to the Event Console page.

  2. The settings in the Account Preferences page (Preferences > Account > Preferences) and in the Event Console Preferences page (Events > Actions > Console Preferences) affect the scope of the filter-while-you-type fields. If you select the Group by Organization checkbox in the Account Preferences page or the Event Console Preferences page, events in the Event Console page will be grouped by organization. The Advanced Filter Tool will appear for each organization grouping and will act only on the events in that organization grouping. You will not be able to apply a single filter to events in multiple organizations.

  3. If you selected the Group by Organization checkbox, find the organization for which you want to apply the advanced filter tool. Expand the list of events by clicking on the plus sign (+) next to the organization name.

  4. If you have not selected the Group by Organization checkbox, go to the top of the Event Console page.

  5. Click on the funnel icon ().

  6. The Advanced Filter Tool will display advanced filters for each column in your default display. To change the columns that are displayed in the Event Console page, see the section Customizing the Display in the Event Console.

    Unlike the "filter while you type" feature, the Advanced Filter Tool is not applied to the list of tickets until you select the Apply button.

  1. In the Advanced Filter Tool, you can filter by one or more of the following filters.
  • Organization. Appears only if you have not selected the Group by Organization checkbox in the Account Preferences page (Preferences > Account > Preferences) and in the Event Console Preferences page (Events > Actions > Console Preferences). In the Match Any fields, you can enter one or more text strings to match, including special characters. The Event Console page will display only events that have a matching organization.
  • Name. In the Match Any fields, you can enter one or more text strings to match, including special characters. The Event Console page will display only events that have a matching entity name.
  • Type. This field will display a list of all the entity types currently in use by the list of events. You can enter text or select one or more of the types, and the Event Console page will display only events that have a matching entity type.
  • Event Message. In the Match Any fields, you can enter one or more text strings to match, including special characters. The Event Console page will display only events that have a matching event message.

  • Severity. This field will display a list of all the severities currently in use by the list of events. You can select one or more severities, and the Event Console page will display only events that have a matching severity. Choices are:
  • Healthy. Will display all events with a severity of "Healthy".

  • Notice. Will display all events with a severity of "Notice".
  • Minor. Will display all events with a severity of "Minor".
  • Major. Will display all events with a severity of "Major".
  • Critical. Will display all events with a severity of "Critical".
  • Acknowledged. In the Match Any fields, you can enter one or more text strings to match, including special characters. The Event Console page will display only events that have been acknowledged by a matching user.
  • Note. In the Match Any fields, you can enter one or more text strings to match, including special characters. The Event Console page will display only events that have matching note text.
  • Ticket. In the Match Any fields, you can enter one or more text strings to match, including special characters. The Event Console page will display only events that have a matching ticket ID.
  • External Ticket. In the Match Any fields, you can enter one or more text strings to match, including special characters. The Event Console page will display only events that have a matching external ticket ID or external ticket name.
  • Age/Elapsed. You can enter time in seconds, and the Event Console page will display only events that last occurred within that number of seconds or less.
  • Last Detected. In the From and To field, you can specify a range of dates, in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. The Event Console page will display only events with a detection date that falls within that range of dates.
  • EID. In the Match Any fields, you can enter one or more text strings to match, including special characters. The Event Console page will display only events that have a matching event ID.
  • Source. This field will display a list of all the sources currently in use by the list of events. You can enter text or select one or more sources, and the Event Console page will display only events that have a matching source.
  • Count. In the Match Any fields, you can enter one or more text strings to match, including special characters. The Event Console page will display only events that have a matching count number.
  • Notify. In the Match Any fields, you can enter one or more text strings to match, including special characters. The Event Console page will display only events that have a matching number of notifications.
  1. Click Apply to apply the advanced filters. Click Reset to clear the advanced filters and start again.
  2. Click Reset for the Event Console page to return to the default list of events.

You can perform an advanced filter and then perform a second advanced filter on the results of the first advanced filter. You can perform an advanced filter multiple times, to perform multiple filters.

Custom View

You can save a filtered list of events created with the Global Search tool. When you do so, you are creating a custom view. You can then return to the page at any time and display the custom view, without having to filter the list again.

To save a custom view:

  1. Go to the Event Console page.
  2. Using the Global Search tool, filter the list of events.
  3. In the Custom View drop-down field, select new custom view.
  4. Click the Save button.
  5. You will be prompted to enter a name for the new custom view.
  6. The new custom view now appears in the Custom View drop-down list.
  7. To edit the custom view, select it from the Custom View drop-down list, make changes with the Global Search tool and then click the Save button for the custom view to save your changes.
  8. To display the custom view, select it from the Custom View drop-down list.
  9. To delete the custom view, select it from the Custom View drop-down field and then click the Delete button. The custom view will no longer appear in the Custom View drop-down list.

Viewing Events for a Single Device in the Classic SL1 User Interface

To view a list of events for a single device in the classic user interface, you can go to the Viewing Active Events page in the Device Reports panel.

NOTE: To view the Viewing Active Events page, accounts of type "user" must be granted one or more access keys that include all the following access hooks: Registry, Registry>Devices>Device Manager, Dev:Events Summary, Dev:View Summary, and Event:View (From Dev Properties). For more information on Access Keys, see the section on Access Keys.

To view a list of events for a single device:

  1. Go to the Device Manager page (Devices > Classic Devices, or Registry > Devices > Device Manager in the classic SL1 user interface).
  2. Find the device that you want to view events for and select its bar graph icon ().
  3. In the Device Reports panel, select the Events tab.
  4. The Viewing Active Events page appears.

This page displays all of the currently active events for the device. For each event, the page displays:

  • Event Message | Severity. Message generated by event, as defined in the Event Policy Editor page (Registry > Events > Event Manager > create or edit). The message is color-coded for severity.

  • Acknowledged. Specifies whether a ScienceLogic user has acknowledged this event.
  • Red check. Event has not been acknowledged.
  • Gray check with name. Event has been acknowledged.

  • Age / Elapse. Number of days, hours, and minutes since the first occurrence of the event.
  • Ticket. Ticket ID associated with this event, if applicable.
  • Last Detected. Date and time of last occurrence of the event.
  • EID. Unique ID for the event, generated by SL1.

  • Source. Source of the log message that triggers the event, as defined in the Event Policy Editor page (Registry > Events > Event Manager > create or edit). Choices are:
  • Syslog. Event was generated from standard system log generated by device.
  • Internal. Event was generated by SL1.
  • Trap. Event was generated by an SNMP trap.
  • Dynamic. Event was generated by a Dynamic Application collecting data from the device.
  • Email. Event was generated by an email from an external agent; for example, Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM).
  • API. Event was generated by a snippet Run Book Action, a snippet Dynamic Application, a request to the ScienceLogic API, or by an external system.

  • Count. Number of times this event has occurred.
  • View Notifications icon (). Leads to the Event Actions Log, where you can view details about each automation policy that has triggered for the event.
  • Statistics icon (). Displays the Event Statistics page, where you can view historical statistics for the selected event.
  • Information icon (). Displays the Event Information page, where you can view an overview of the selected event, suppress the selected event, or edit the definition of the selected event.

NOTE: To view a list of all cleared events for the device, select the Cleared button. To return to the list of active events, select the Active button.

Viewing Events for a Single Organization

One of the easiest ways to monitor the health of your network is to look at events. Events are messages that are triggered when a specific condition is met. For example, an event can signal that a server has gone down, that a device's hard drives are getting too full, or simply display the status of a device.

Each instance of an event in SL1 is associated with an organization. Each occurrence of an event is grouped by organization (the organization associated with the device where the event occurred or the organization associated with the policy that generated the event).

In the Organizational Administration panel, you can view a list of events associated with a specific organization.

To view a list of events associated with a specific organization:

  1. Go to the page ().

  1. In the page, find the organization with associated events that you want to view.
  1. If a value appears in the Events column, click the event icon ().
  2. The Organizational Events page appears for the organization.

This page displays a list of all active events associated with the organization or the organization's elements. For each event, the page displays:

  • Name. Name of the element associated with the event.
  • Event Message | Severity. Message generated by event, as defined in the Event Policy Editor page (Registry > Events > Event Manager > create or edit). The message is color-coded for severity.

  • Acknowledged. Specifies whether a ScienceLogic user has acknowledged this event.
  • Red check. Event has not been acknowledged.
  • Gray check with name. Event has been acknowledged.

  • Age / Elapse. Number of days, hours, and minutes since the first occurrence of the event.
  • Ticket. Ticket ID associated with this event, if applicable.
  • Last Detected. Date and time of last occurrence of the event.
  • EID. Unique ID for the event, generated by SL1.

  • Source. Source of the log message that triggers the event, as defined in the Event Policy Editor page (Registry > Events > Event Manager > create or edit). Choices are:
  • Syslog . Event was generated from standard system log generated by device.
  • Internal. Event was generated by SL1.
  • Trap. Event was generated by an SNMP trap.
  • Dynamic. Event was generated by a dynamic application collecting data from the device.
  • Email. Event was generated by an email from an external agent; for example, Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM).
  • API. Event was generated by a snippet Run Book Action, a snippet Dynamic Application, a request to the ScienceLogic API, or by an external system.

  • Count. Number of times this event has occurred.
  • View Notifications icon (). Leads to the Event Actions Log, where you can view details about each automation policy that has triggered for the event.
  • Statistics icon (). Displays the Event Statistics page, where you can view historical statistics for the selected event.
  • Information icon (). Displays the Event Information page, where you can view an overview of the selected event, suppress the selected event, or edit the definition of the selected event.

NOTE: To view a list of all cleared events for the organization, click the Actions menu and select View Cleared Events. To return to the list of active events, click the Actions menu and select View Active Events.

Viewing Event Details in the Event Console

In the classic user interface, you can view details about an event, suppress an event, and access the event policy from the Event Information page.

NOTE: To view the Event Information page, accounts of type "user" must be granted one or more access keys that includes the following access hook: Events/Event:View. Accounts of type "user" will then be able to view details for all events in the same organization as the user.

To access the Event Information page:

  1. Go to the [Events] tab.

  2. Find the event you are interested in and select its information icon (). The Event Information page appears:

The Event Information page displays the following details about the event:

  • Event ID. Unique ID for the event, generated by SL1.
  • Event Message. Message generated by the event, as defined in the Event Policy Editor page (Registry > Events > Event Manager > create or edit).
  • Severity. Severity of the event. Choices are:
  • Critical
  • Major
  • Minor
  • Notice
  • Healthy
  • For Element. Name of the element associated with the event.
  • First Occurrence. Number of days and hours since the first occurrence of the event, and date and time of first occurrence of the event.
  • Last Occurrence. Number of days and hours since the last occurrence of the event, and date and time of last occurrence of the event.
  • Occurrence Count. Number of times this event has occurred on this entity.
  • Acknowledged On. Date and time the event was acknowledged.
  • Acknowledged By. Username of user who acknowledged the event.
  • Policy Name/ID. Name of the event policy, as defined in the Event Policy Editor page (Registry > Events > Event Manager > create or edit) and policy ID.
  • Policy Type. Source of the log message that triggers the event, as defined in the Event Policy Editor page (Registry > Events > Event Manager > create or edit). Choices are:
  • Syslog. Event was generated from a system log generated by device.
  • Internal. Event was generated by SL1.
  • Trap. Event was generated by an SNMP trap.
  • Dynamic. Event was generated by a Dynamic Application collecting data from the device.
  • Email. Event was generated by an email from an external agent; for example, Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM).
  • API. Event was generated by a snippet Run Book Action, a snippet Dynamic Application, a request to the ScienceLogic API, or by an external system.
  • Ticket Description. Description field from the associated ticket, if applicable.
  • Probable Cause & Resolution Text. This pane displays additional information about the event, as defined in the Event Policy Editor page (Registry > Events > Event Manager > create or edit).
  • Correlation Reason. This field displays the user-defined notes about event categories and event correlation. You can enter up to 256 characters in this field. To save your changes, select the Save Correlation Reason button.
  • Note. This field displays the user-defined note associated with the event. To add or edit a note, enter text in this field and then select the [Save Note] button.

Depending on your Access Keys, the Actions menu displays one or more of the following entries:

  • Create a Ticket. Leads to the Ticket Editor page , where you can define a new ticket based on the event.
  • Edit Aligned Ticket. Leads to the Ticket Editor page, where you can edit an existing ticket that is based on the event.
  • Edit Aligned Event Policy. Leads to the Event Policy Editor page (Registry > Events > Event Manager > create or edit), where you can edit the properties of the event definition.
  • Edit Device Thresholds. Leads to the Device Thresholds page, where you can define and edit storage and performance thresholds for a device.
  • Suppress Event for This Device. Suppresses the current event on the current device. When you suppress an event, you are specifying that in the future, if this event occurs again on the same device, the event will not appear in the Event Console or the Viewing Events page.
  • Refresh This Page. Updates the page with the latest information.
  • View Device Summary. Leads to the Device Summary page for the device, where you can view overview information on the health of the device, a list of events and tickets associated with the device, a list of elements associated with the device, a list of monitoring policies for the device, and hardware and bandwidth usage for the device.

Customizing the Display in the Event Console

You can customize the appearance of the Event Console page in the classic user interface from two places:

  • The Account Preferences page. In this page, you can select the columns that display on the Event Console page.
  • The Actions menu in the Event Console page. When you select the Console Preferences entry, SL1 displays the Preferences modal page, where you can define the appearance and behavior of the Event Console page.

Account Preferences

The Account Preferences page allows you to change your password and customize some of the behavior and appearance of SL1. The customizations that you choose will appear each time you log in to SL1. They will not affect how SL1 appears to other users.

In the Account Preferences page, you can customize how the Event Console page appears.

NOTE: To access the Account Preferences page, accounts of type "user" must be granted one or more access keys that includes the following access hook: MyPreferences. Accounts of type "user" will then be able to view and edit the settings in the Account Preferences page. For more information on Access Keys, see the section on Access Keys.

To access the Account Preferences page:

  1. Go to the Account Preferences page (Preferences > Account > Preferences).

  2. In the Account Preferences page, you can edit one or more of the fields described below.

  3. The Change Password pane allows you to change your password. Passwords must be between 7 and 64 characters in length. The following fields appear:

  • Existing Password. Type your current password.

  • New Password. Type your new password.
  • Confirm Password. Retype your new password.
  • Save. Select this button to save changes in the Change Password pane.
  1. The Interface Settings pane allows you to define the appearance and behavior of some pages in SL1. The Interface Settings pane contains the following fields:
  • Default Page. Select the page that automatically appears by default when you log in to SL1. Options include:
  • None. SL1 will display the ScienceLogic logo when you log in.
  • Event Console. SL1 will display the Event Console when you log in.
  • Ticket Console. SL1 will display the Ticket Console when you log in.
  • Device Views. SL1 will display the Device Group Map page (Classic Maps > Device Maps > Device Groups) when you log in.
  • Dashboard. SL1 will display the selected Dashboard when you log in.
  • Theme. Select the backgrounds, colors, and graphics that appear when you log in. Theme entries are defined in the Settings > Themes page.
  • Page Refresh Rate. Select how often Events, Tickets, and Views pages in SL1 are refreshed. Options range from 10 seconds to 60 minutes.
  • Page Result Count. Select the number of results you want to display on each page that contains lists of entities. Options range from 25 to 500.

  • Table Row Height. Affects the row height of all pages that display a table in the main content pane. You can also change this setting in the Event Console Preferences page, the Ticket Console Preferences page, and the user Account Preferences page. Changing the setting for row height in the current page, the Event Console Preferences page, the Ticket Console Preferences page, or the user Account Preferences page affects the row height in all pages that display a table in the main content pane. Choices are:
  • Small. Sets row height to 17 px and font size to 11 px.

  • Medium. Sets row height to 27 px and font size to 12 px.
  • Large. Sets row height to 35 px and font size to 13 px.

  • Default Severity Filter. Select the minimum event severity that you want to display in the Event Console page. Only events of the selected severity and greater will appear in the page. Options include:

  • Healthy. Displays all events, including events with a severity of Healthy.
  • Notice. Displays all events with a severity of Notice, Major, Minor, and Critical.
  • Minor. Displays all events with a severity of Minor, Major, and Critical.
  • Major. Displays all events with a severity of Major and Critical.
  • Critical. Displays all events with a severity of Critical.

  • Preferred IF Label. Select how interfaces will be labeled in all pages and reports that reference network interfaces. Options include: 
  • Interface Alias. Easy-to-remember, human-readable name for the network interface.
  • Interface Name. The name of the network interface.

  • Default Interface Graph Display. Select the default unit of measure for the Hourly Interface Usage graph in the Device Summary page. Options include:
  • Interface Default. The Hourly Interface Usage graph displays the amount of traffic in the unit of measure specified in the Measurement field in the Interface Properties page for the interface.
  • % Utilization. The Hourly Interface Usage graph displays utilization in percent.

  • Default Date Format. Select the default date format for use throughout SL1.
  • Date Format String. Select the date format for use throughout SL1. If defined, this date format overrides the default date format. You can use any date variables supported by the PHP date function in this field.
  1. The Checkboxes pane allows you to configure features that are toggled on or off.
  • Disable NavBar Auto-hide. If you select this checkbox, the NavBar pane persists after you select a link. This option is selected by default.
  • View Assigned Tickets Only. If you select this checkbox, by default, only tickets assigned to you are displayed in the Ticket Console page.
  • Show Masked Events. If you select this checkbox, all events that have been grouped together with a device's Event Mask setting will be displayed in the Event Console page. If you do not select this checkbox, these events are grouped together and rolled-up under the event with the highest severity and you can click on the magnifying-glass icon () to view the masked events.
  • Organizational Grouping Events. If you select this checkbox, events will be grouped by organization in the Event Console page. The filter-while-you-type fields and the advanced filter tool will appear for each organization grouping and will act only on the events in that organization grouping. You will not be able to apply a single filter to events in multiple organizations.
  • Collapse Organization Events. If you select this checkbox, all organizations with assigned events will be displayed but will be contracted; the Event Console page will display only a list of contracted organizations, which can be expanded by clicking on the plus sign (+). The default behavior of SL1 is to expand each organization and display the list of events for each organization.

  • Show Severity Badges. If you select this checkbox:
  • The value in the Severity column will be displayed as a color-coded badge in the Event Console page and the Ticket Console page.
  • The value in the Current State column will be displayed as a color-coded badge in the Device Manager page.

If you do not select the Show Severity Badges checkbox:

  • In the Event Console page, the value in the Event Message column and the value in the Severity column will be painted with the severity color.

  • In the Ticket Console page, the value in the Description column and the Severity column will be painted with the severity color.
  • In the Device Manager page, the value in the Device Name column and the value in the Current State column will be painted with the severity color.
  • Ticket Comment Reverse Sort. If you select this checkbox, the Notes section of a ticket sorts the ticket's notes from newest to oldest. If you do not select this checkbox, ticket notes display from oldest to newest.
  • Disabled Ticket Comment Cloaking. If you select this checkbox, then any comments you add to a ticket are viewable to all other users (i.e., not cloaked) by default.
  • Scale Percent Graphs to 100%. If you select this checkbox, then any graphs that display percentage on the y-axis will display from 0% to 100%, regardless of the highest actual value. If you do not select this checkbox, then the y-axis will display from 0% to the highest actual value.

  • Code Highlighting. If you select this checkbox, HTML, PHP, Python, and SQL code that displays in SL1 will be highlighted.. You can customize the highlight colors in the Code Highlighting page. If selected, syntax highlighting appears in:
  • The Snippet Editor & Registry page for Dynamic Applications of type "snippet" (System > Manage > Applications > create/edit > Snippets)

  • The Dashboard Widget Editor page (System > Customize > Dashboards > Widgets > create/edit)
  • The Database Tool page (System > Tools > DB Tool)
  • The Database Tool page is available only in versions of SL1 prior to 12.2.1 and displays only for users that have sufficient permissions to access the page.

  • The Action Policy Editor page for actions of type "Snippet" and "SQL Query" (Registry > Run Book > Actions > create/edit)
  • The Report Template Editor page (Reports > Management > Report Manager > create/edit)
  • Hide Empty Networks. If you select this checkbox, the IPv4 Networks page displays networks that do not include any devices or interfaces.
  1. In the Event Console Columns pane, select the columns that you want to display by default in the Event Console page.

    NOTE: You can also edit the list of columns to display in the Event Console page from the Event Console Preferences modal page. When you edit the list of columns in the Event Console Preferences modal page, the selected list of columns automatically updates in the Account Preferences page, and vice versa.

  2. In the Ticket Console Columns pane, select the columns that you want to display by default in the Ticket Console page.

    NOTE: You can also edit the list of columns to display in the Ticket Console page from the Ticket Console Preferences modal page. When you edit the list of columns in the Ticket Console Preferences modal page, the selected list of columns automatically updates in the Account Preferences page, and vice versa.

  3. In the Device Manager Columns pane, select the columns that you want to display by default in the Device Manager page.

    NOTE: You can also edit the list of columns to display in the Device Manager page from the Device Manager Preferences modal page. When you edit the list of columns in the Device Manager Preferences modal page, the selected list of columns automatically updates in the Account Preferences page, and vice versa.

  4. Select the Save button to save your changes.

Event Console Preferences

The Event Console Preferences page allows you to customize the display and behavior of the Event Console page.

NOTE: To access the Event Console Preferences page, accounts of type "user" must be granted one or more access keys that includes the following access hook: Events/Event:View. Accounts of type "user" will then be able to view and edit settings in the  Event Console Preferences page. For more information on Access Keys, see the section on Access Keys.

To access the Event Console Preferences page:

  1. Go to the Events tab.
  2. In the Event Console page, select the Actions menu and choose Console Preferences.
  3. The Event Console Preferences page appears.
  1. In the Event Console Preferences page, you can customize the following:
  • Console Refresh Rate. Select how often the Event Console page is refreshed. Options range from 10 seconds to 60 minutes.

  • Default Severity Filter. Select the minimum event severity that you want to display in the Event Console page. Only events of the selected severity and greater will appear in the Event Console page. Options include:
  • Healthy. Displays all events, including events with a severity of Healthy.

  • Notice. Displays all events with a severity of Notice, Major, Minor, and Critical.
  • Minor. Displays all events with a severity of Minor, Major, and Critical.
  • Major. Displays all events with a severity of Major and Critical.
  • Critical. Displays all events with a severity of Critical.

  • Table Row Height. Affects the row height of all pages that display a table in the main content pane. You can also change this setting in the system Account Preferences page, the Ticket Console Preferences page, and the user Account Preferences page. Changing the setting for row height in the current page, the system Account Preferences page, the Ticket Console Preferences page, or the user Account Preferences page affects the row height in all pages that display a table in the main content pane. Choices are:
  • Small. Sets row height to 17 px and font size to 11 px.

  • Medium. Sets row height to 27 px and font size to 12 px.
  • Large. Sets row height to 35 px and font size to 13 px.
  • Group by Organization. If you select this checkbox, events will be grouped by organization. The filter-while-you-type fields and the Advanced Filter Tool will appear for each organization grouping and will act only on the events in that organization grouping. You will not be able to apply a single filter to events in multiple organizations.
  • Show Masked Events. If you select this checkbox, all events that have been grouped together with a device's Event Mask setting will be displayed in the Event Console page. If you do not select this checkbox, these events are grouped together and rolled-up under the event with the highest severity and you can click on the magnifying-glass icon () to view the masked events.

  • Show Severity Badges. If you select this checkbox:
  • The value in the Severity column will be displayed as a color-coded badge in the Event Console page and the Ticket Console page.

  • The value in the Current State column will be displayed as a color-coded badge in the Device Manager page.

If you do not select the Show Severity Badges checkbox:

  • In the Event Console page, the value in the Event Message column and the value in the Severity column will be painted with the severity color.

  • In the Ticket Console page, the value in the Description column and the Severity column will be painted with the severity color.
  • In the Device Manager page, the value in the Device Name column and the value in the Current State column will be painted with the severity color.
  • Collapse All Organizations. If you select this checkbox, all organizations with assigned events will be displayed but will be contracted; the Event Console page will display only a list of contracted organizations, which can be expanded by clicking on the plus sign (+). The default behavior of SL1 is to expand each organization and display the list of events for each organization.
  • Event Console Columns. In this list, select the columns that you want to display by default in the Event Console page.

NOTE: You can also edit the list of columns to display in the Event Console page from the Account Preferences page. When you edit the list of columns in the Account Preferences page, the selected list of columns automatically updates in the Event Console Preferencesmodal page, and vice versa.

  1. Click Save to save your changes.

Hiding the Header Bar

You can also customize the display of the Event Console by hiding the header bar. To hide the header bar, click on the arrow in the top right of the Event Console.

Event Masks in the Event Console

In the Device Properties page for each device, you can define an Event Mask.

NOTE: For more information on the Device Properties page, see the section on Device Administration.

When a device uses the Event Mask setting, events that occur on a single device within a specified span of time are grouped together. This allows related events that occur in quick succession on a single device to be rolled-up and posted together under one event description.

  • By default, when events are masked, the Event Console displays all events that occur on the device within the specified timespan under a single event, the one with the highest severity. The magnifying-glass icon () appears to the left of the event. When you click on the magnifying-glass icon, the Suppression Group modal page appears. This page includes details about all events that are masked under the displayed event.

  • If an event has Occurrence Count and Occurrence Time set in its Event Policy Editor page, SL1 will use the very first logged occurrence of the event to calculate the Event Mask, even if that first occurrence did not appear in the Event Console (due to the Occurrence Count and Occurrence Time fields).
  • For example, suppose an event, event_x, has an Occurrence Count of "3" and an Occurrence Time of "10 minutes." This means that the event must occur on the same device at least three times within 10 minutes before the event appears in the Event Console. Suppose the event, event_X, occurs on device_A at 15:51, 15:52, and 15:53. The event will appear in the Event Console with a time stamp of "15:53," an age of "2 minutes," and a count of "3."

  • Suppose device_A includes an Event Mask of "Group in blocks every 5 minutes." To calculate how to group event_x, the Event Mask will use the time stamp of the first occurrence, 15:51, even though the event did not appear in the Event Console at that time. The Event Mask will also use the time of the first occurrence, 15:51, to calculate the "Age/Elapsed" value for the event in the Suppression Group modal page.
  • If you want masked events to appear in the Event Console by default, go the Event Console Preferences page (Events > Actions > Console Preferences), and enable the Show Suppressed Events field.