Documentation Updates

The following table contains a list of new features that were documented in the latest version of SL1, along with links to the corresponding documentation in HTML and PDF format.

Documentation Updates for SL1 12.1.0

Updates to the Product Documentation for SL1 Golden Gate, version 12.1.0 PDF Documentation

Added a default, non-administrator "scilog" user account for SL1 agents and updated the installation process to reflect this change.

Updated the minimum agent versions required for 12.1.0 for:

  • Linux, AIX, Solaris: 184

  • Windows: 145

Windows Agent installation has substantial command line configurations introduced so that you can configure the Windows Agent to fit your needs.

Agent Monitoring

The new Anomaly Index chart displays a graph of values from 0 to 100 that represent how far the real data for a metric diverges from its normal patterns.

You can define the thresholds for the Anomaly Index chart, and whether those values generate alerts, on the Machine Learning Thresholds page (Machine Learning > Thresholds).

Added an Anomaly Count column to the Machine Learning page and the Machine Learning tab of the Device Investigator page that lists the number of anomalies present on that device.

Anomaly Detection

If you click an event relating to a specific device on the Service Investigator, you will now be redirected to the Device Investigator for that device. An event context panel will appear at the top of the page, where you can clear, acknowledge, or view causes and resolutions relating to the event.

Business Services


Added a "Dashboard List" widget type and additional widget customization options.

The "Root Cause Timeline" widget was added to the Dashboards page. This widget lets you monitor Zebrium suggestions and alerts in SL1 dashboard, and you can select an item on that dashboard to view more information in the Zebrium user interface.

The new Service Connections page (Manage > Service Connections) in SL1 lets you connect SL1 with another third-party application to transfer data to a dashboard or a report.



Updated the SNMP read/write credential template so that deleted credentials are removed.

Device Groups and Device Templates

You can view an interface's network utilization graph in a new window by clicking the bar graph icon next to the name of the interface.

Device Infrastructure Health

Added the ability to delete devices from the Devices page.

The Device Investigator page now has additional widget customization options.

Device Management

Added a credential gateway service that allows you to install the CyberArk agent on SL1 Data Collectors. When an SL1 system has been set up with the CyberArk agent and the credential gateway service, you can enter vault tags in any secret/encrypted credential field in SL1 instead of entering the password or secret value itself.

Discovery and Credentials

The Events Insights page was updated with the following enhancements:

On the Events page, you can now filter active event records in the Event Note field.

Updated the Event Details page to the hide the Assets and Vitals panels if there is no data present.

If you click an event relating to a specific device on the Event Investigator, you will now be redirected to the Device Investigator for that device. An event context panel will appear at the top of the page, where you can clear, acknowledge, or view causes and resolutions relating to the event.

Updated the color and styling of the event severity chips.



Added Global Manager support for Business Services, which allows you to view business services across multiple SL1 stacks.

Global Manager

Added a new section for troubleshooting High Availability and Disaster Recovery Configurations in split-brain situations and other connectivity issues.

Updated the process for configuring High Availability and Disaster Recovery with three appliances, licensing, and configuring failover and failback.

Updated High Availability and Disaster Recovery so that you can deploy in the cloud for use with Azure, for example, using clustering and load balancing processes. Introduced the coro_install command which allows use for a quorum witness device.

High Availability and Disaster Recovery (HA/DR)

Added compatibility with Oracle Linux 8 for new installations of SL1, including updates to the installation process and logging.

Setup and Config page was updated with the following enhancements:

Added a new command-line interface command to rename an existing Phone Home device: phonehome rename <new name>. Previously this was available with the phonehome set <id> command.

Installation and Initial Configuration

Updated the organization name character limit from 64 to 128 characters.

Organizations and Users

Released Restorepoint version 5.6.

Restorepoint version 5.6

Added the ability to manually build a ScienceLogic Library.

ScienceLogic Libraries and Execution Environments

Added steps for setting the mysql username and password in the silo.conf file after a full restore.

Added the ability to use two new configurable fields in the silo.conf file. These fields, ap_user and ap_pass, enable you to define usernames and passwords for the Administration Portal that differ from the usernames and passwords used for the Database Server.

The new "User Login Session Timeout" field on the Behavior Settings page (System > Settings > Behavior) lets you define the amount of idle time that can pass without any user activity before that user's SL1 session expires.

Updated the steps for configuring and restoring full, config, and DR backup procedures on S3 Bucket and for remote NFS/SMB share databases in the System Administration Backup Management chapter. Added steps that explain how to manually mount the restore filesystem to restore the backup.

System Administration

The Zebrium documentation was completely re-organized to better follow the typical workflows in the Zebrium user interface, including new information about the Accept and Reject Suggestion workflow.

Also, the "Root Cause Timeline" widget was added to the Dashboards page. This widget lets you monitor Zebrium suggestions and alerts from within an SL1 dashboard, and you can drill down into an item on that dashboard to view more information in the Zebrium user interface.

The ScienceLogic Release Notes site now includes release notes for Zebrium releases.

Zebrium Root Cause as a Service (RCaaS) Documentation


The Product Documentation site at was updated with the following enhancements:

  • An updated home page that focuses on the core ScienceLogic products: SL1, PowerFlow, PowerPacks, SyncPacks, plus docs for SL1 Developers, Restorepoint, and Zebrium.
  • A more streamlined left-hand navigation that follows the new structure of the home page.
  • The Release Notes site also follows the same structure, and it uses the same icons as the "main" site. The Release Notes site also includes release notes for Zebrium releases.
  • Product Life Cycle pages for SL1and SL1 PowerFlow.
  • A link icon () appears next to headings for topics and sub-topics. You can click the icon to share or save a link to that specific location in the documentation.
  • All Documentation sites now include improved code text, with a gray background and bigger margins for easier reading. Large chunks of code are contained in expanding/contracting sections for less scrolling.

The Product Release Notes site at was also updated to include release notes for the latest SL1, SL1 PowerFlow, PowerPack, Synchronization PowerPack, and Zebrium releases.


