Documentation Updates

This page contains a list of new features that were documented in the latest version of SL1, along with links to the corresponding documentation in HTML and PDF format:

Documentation Updates for SL1 12.2 (Hollywood)

Updates to the Product Documentation for SL1 12.2 PDF Documentation

Added a new "Require TLS Validation for Gen 0 Agent "checkbox to the Behavior Settings page so that when checked, Gen 0 agents operating outside of the Extended Architecture require TLS validation to upload data.

Agent Monitoring

Added the "Waiting for Data" status to the Anomaly Detection column on the Machine Learning page, for instances that lack sufficient data for anomaly detection.

Anomaly Detection

The Service Investigator page was redesigned to consolidate service information in a single pane and provide additional context and value to users. (This feature is disabled by default).

Business Services

Added a new SL1 Home Dashboard page, which can be set as your default landing page.


You can see all changes between two snapshots of a Dynamic Application in the Config tab on the Device Investigator page.

Device Infrastructure Health

The Device Investigator page now displays suggestions and alerts from Skylar Automated RCA.

The Device Overview widget on the Device Investigator page displays at full width.

Device Management

The Event Investigator page was redesigned to present critical data about an event in a clearer and more concise manner, with a new Event Overview widget that displays the key data about the event.

Added the Classic Events page, which displays a refreshed version of the classic Event Console page, to the SL1 user interface.

Added filtering and a mouse-over option to view more information on the Event Insights page.



Added a Home icon at the top of the left navigation bar that redirects you to your home page, and the ability to set your default home page.

Introduction to SL1

Clicking the Help button in the navigation bar in the top right of the PowerFlow user interface opens a new Help Menu pane that provides Help content specific to that page.

Added a Notifications button to the navigation bar, which also displays a light-blue "badge" with the number of current notifications.

Improved the mappings experience on the Configurations pane for PowerFlow applications by adding a new modal that lets you easily locate and map the items you want to sync with PowerFlow.

Updated the way that logs display in the PowerFlow user interface to make the logs easier to read.

SL1 PowerFlow Platform version 2.7.0

Added a non-billable device option that takes account for devices with no performance data in the last 24 hours.

Subscription Billing

Oracle Linux 7 deployment is no longer supported.

Scylla is now optional on Extended Architecture deployments that do not use machine learning-based anomaly detection.

System Administration

Added an option to disable Kerberos-based WinRM message encryption if error messages appear after upgrading the pyKerberos package.

Windows PowerShell

The new Skylar Automated RCA Connector lets you view Skylar Automated RCA suggestions and alerts on the Devices, Device Investigator, Events, Event Investigator, and Service Investigator pages in SL1.

The "Skylar Automated RCA Event Policies" PowerPack is available, with fifteen SL1 event policies for changing Skylar Automated RCA suggestions and alerts into SL1 events.

Skylar Automated RCA Connector Documentation

Skylar Automated RCA Event Policies PowerPack Release Notes

The Product Documentation site at was updated with the following enhancements:

  • Updated the SL1 PowerFlow SyncPacks page with additional information and links to help users get started faster with SyncPack configuration.
  • Added release notes for Restorepoint releases to the Release Notes site.
  • Added a "Hide/Show Table of Contents" button to the toolbar at the top right of all the help sites.

The Product Release Notes site at was also updated to include the latest release notes for the latest SL1, SL1 PowerFlow, PowerPack, SyncPack, Restorepoint, and Skylar Automated RCA releases.